Saturday, August 9, 2014

Please excuse the mess!

     You have probably heard people talk about the mess they have to deal with dirty dishes, undone laundry and stuff stacked on the coffee table.  People have messes in other areas as well.  We all have messes.  Sometimes people cover over the messes with excessive cleanliness in the visible life concealing that which is invisible.  We talk about "sweeping stuff under the rug" and that statement has been around for decades.  Fortunately those interacting don't always know what we have secreted away.  Pretenders we are.  And sometimes we pretend too much actually convincing ourselves that the delusion is reality. 
     While keeping things to ourselves is sometimes advantageous, it's not always beneficial.  I'm sure you have heard more than one shocking revelation in your lifetime.  "I can't believe he was ___."  "She did what?" "They seemed to have it all together."  "How they keep that to themselves is no business of min."  You see, people sometimes do not pay attention to the lives of our family, spouse, kids, and others because doing so is advantageous to us.  Take for instance your friend not telling you they are an addict/alcoholic.  You "know" but don't want to be involved so you decide to keep the mess covered over.  "I didn't see that one coming." 
     I imagine, like me, you sometimes greet strangers with "How are you?" and don't wait for an answer.  Waiting for the answer may "cost" you time, money, or more.  This behavior also costs the person being greeted a false sense of interest.  Next time stop when you greet someone and wait for the answer followed up with "tell me more."  Now we will see where the rubber meets the road.  Are we part of the problem or are we the problem?  How can we be part of the solution?  It's not easy and takes time.  Do you have the time?  How can you make the time?  When we do this, we have to care and respond.  We don't have to solve the problem but we do need to listen.  But, you are in luck!  Most people know you don't care about them.  Even your relatives. 
     Be involved, you don't know who's life is changed and how your life will be enriched.  Start easy asking the question "How re you!"  and then waiting for a response.  You don't have to have all of the answers.  You don't even have to know the right questions.  You just need to be present and listen.  That's all.  Be present and listen.  That's it.  Nothing more...unless you hear God telling you to do more.  He may or he may not.  Along with this ability to stop and listen, is the need to NOT know every answer.  "I don't know." is totally acceptable.  We can be present, listen and even engage the other person without any answers for them.
     How do we get out of the way so God can work through us?  First, we must stop.  Our lives are wrapped up in hurry and worry.  Stopping is just the beginning but it is the beginning.  Some of us fear stopping and associate stopping with something negative.  Get rid of the fear, take a chance, listen to what they have to say and let the Holy Spirit speak through you and to the other person.  We really don't have anything else to bring to the table than God.  He does have the answers and will help whenever we call upon Him. 
     Finally, bring up the courage and pray with the person.  You will be amazed to the response.  For many, hearing the request to pray for them is a potential turning point in the destructive free fall the other person may be in.  So, surprise God, yourself and someone else.  You never know how your intervention will help.  Just don't walk away when someone needs you to listen.  Don't allow the choice and chance to be missed.  When you have done this; do it again and again.  Make this a routine in your life.  God does with us.

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