Thursday, July 17, 2014

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away...

     Okay, yesterday didn't go as expected.  My charger on my phone went south and I get my blog opened by a double secret handshake over my cell phone.  So, I couldn't write.  Today I took care of that problem and I am once again "on the air."  Yesterday was a time of going over memories.  You see, we are selling our house and moving.  Yeah, makes me sad too.
     You don't really remember all the stuff you have until you go to pack.  I hate packing.  I don't think God likes it either.  He didn't design us with the need to leave one perfectly good dwelling and go to another.  I'm on his side with this one.  Moving is a dreadful and awful event even if you like where you are moving to.  I think that this may be my last mood as I ran out of patience yesterday at 3:05 PM.  Right there in the living room where we cannot let dust rest until the papers close the sale of the house.  I mean, really?  You would think the next people would experience the real dust when they move in.  We don't need to mask everything with "clean".  Okay, if we must.
     There are too many goodbye's in moving.  We waited until the last moment to have the sign put up so that people wouldn't be bombarding us with touchy feely stuff.  They don't like to see us cry.  Besides they're going to launch a BBQ the day after we move out.  Isn't that the way it works?  I know we will miss friends and neighbors.  They become like family in many ways.  I will miss the "Hey" and "Hey" deep conversations we have had in our front yard and over the fence.  Nothing like the deep stuff shared. 
     I'll miss my fort.  I can see the mountains from my fort.  My fort has a leather (real) recliner from CraigsList.   It also has a coffee table, astro turf and a Hungarian rocking chair.  Both were also from CL.  I intended to put in electricity over the years and now will have to abandon that part.  I'll leave the birds nests too.  Most of all, I'll miss the comfort and nice warm feeling as the sun warmed me through the huge windows.  Did I mention the mini frig that is in my shop.  Always had chocolate and diet drinks just in case.  My dogs refused to climb the stairs and my wife was afraid of them so I had all of it to myself.
   Speaking of missing things; how about eating places, beer gardens, and lots of soccer.  During my 10 years here I was only able to get through roughly 1/4 of the restaurants here in Seattle.  No, I am not moving back.  I'll find new places.  I'll miss the traffic jams, politics and liberal bickering of our city officials.  NO, I WON'T!  Did I mention the taxes going up, the gas at an all time high and don't get me started on the streets and the potholes.
     What, if anything, does this have to do with the Christian Walk?  Everything.  You see, we are not to live a separate life from those around us.  We are not a sequestered jury.  We are not a protected group of people.  We are humans made in the image of God.  We have the order to "go into all the land and make disciples of men."  And women...  What the world needs to see is the real person with the real relationship with Jesus in our lives.  We are to be "in the world but not of the world."  How can you do that if you cannot or will not interact with the people and businesses around you?
     God wants the very best for us and for the whole of humanity.  The world has enough problems.  It doesn't need me to be inactive and ineffective.  I've been there and done that.  So, people see the real me.  They don't say so, but they will miss me.  Well, a little...I hope. 
     Moving gives me the chance to say a lot of goodbyes and in the process give away clothing that hasn't fitted me for 15 years.  Leave the project stuff and other possessions for those who will use them.  It's called recycling and that's a good thing.  I'm not giving away any of the important stuff anyway.  In like manner, we will have to buy some new stuff.  FORCED to support the economy whether it is rebounding or not.  No one really cares anyway. 
     There are a few pranks that I have wanted to do in the past that will have to lay here in my confession.  I've wanted to paint bicycle lanes down the middle of our street.  I've wanted to put severe speed bumps at the bottom of the hill and watch the cars go airborne!  Never did either of those things.  They will have to be accomplished by someone else.
     God can use us only if we are human.  There is not command to dress to the nines on Sunday.  There nothing imperative as us vs them.  We are only beggars, we Christians, showing one another where to find bread.  Did you do that lately?  Did you be Jesus to someone...anyone?  Perhaps you were and didn't notice it because that is just the way God made you.
   Have a great night.  I'll be back in the morning.

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