Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I love fast things!

    I love fast!  Fast food.  Fast cars.  Fast motor cycles and trucks.  Fast is great!  There are some fast things that I don't like.  I don't like fast roller coasters.  I don't like slow ones either!  I don't appreciate fast talkers.  Then there are the fast thoughts as my ADHD mind runs from subject to subject stopping only to look at things or ponder things for a couple of seconds before going on to the next thought or thing.  Sometimes I have difficulty moderating my fast and slow times much to the chagrin of those who are trying to engage with me.  Sometimes I wake up and life has gone by too fast.  There are up and down sides to being fast or slow. 
     We all make mistakes in our lives.  Sometimes it's because we are too fast or two slow in what we do.  I've been guilty of "thinking before you talk."  If I had slowed down and thought about something before I spoke up I may have saved myself from an embarrassing moment.  The older I have become, the better I am at slowing down.  Not much but some.  One area I need to work on every day is my listening.  Not just "hearing", but listening to understand.  There are a lot of people out there who are like me.  They, like me, don't need to make explanations of how we think and act.  Our lives are a testimony to our inability to think slowly and clearly.
     Then, of course, there are times when we are called upon to think quickly and make snap decisions.  It's then that others appreciate our ability to move or think quickly.  While they are still trying to understand the question we often have already found the answer and are on to implementation.  Leaders are continually called upon to come up with fast solutions to problems.  But with this comes the dilemma of getting the job done.  For many who love to be fast, there is little interest of actually bringing a project to conclusion.  Why?  Because we are already on to the next challenge.
     I was sitting at a red light yesterday and for the first time took notice of a car coming towards me and stopping for the red light in their direction.  Almost immediately the light turned green and we were both released from the red lights clutches to go on.  I had been sitting at that light since it had previously turned yellow.  Yet, when the other car approached the light turned green and they didn't have to wait.  They received the same reward as I did without the wait.  A similar thing happens when I'm on the freeway and a car passes me really fast.  I quickly lose sight of them.   When I stop at the red light from the off ramp, there they are waiting for the light to change.
     Time is a weird duck.  Sometimes we want time to slow down and it doesn't.  Sometimes we want time to speed up and it doesn't do that either.  We are all at the mercy of time.  Time moves methodically.  Has been since the beginning of time and will be doing so until time ends.  That being said, there is a Biblical reference to time that I love.  The Bible talks about the Rapture (when Christians will meet Jesus and go home to Heaven.) and says that we will be changed in the "twinkling of an eye."  Scientists have studied this "time" reference.  They have determined the "twinkling of an eye" to be one one thousandth of a second.  Now that's fast!  One moment here and the next moment with Jesus. 
     There is another Biblical reference to time.  The Bible talks about how when we accept Jesus as our Savior our sins are thrown away.  Gone.  Are no more!  Immediately!  Wow!  Every one who confesses his or her sin with a sincere heart is immediately and fully forgiven.  The Bible says that this forgiveness causes God "to remember our sins no more."  That's hard to imagine.  The Bible also says that God "throws our sins away from him as far as it is from East to West.  Why didn't God say North to South.  Because when you travel South you come to the south pole and begin travelling north.  Not so with East to West.  If you are travelling East you will NEVER reach West! 
     The nest time you think about being fast or going fast remember how fast God is.  He has all the time in the world because he authors time.   The days spin on either quickly or slowly as they relate to your or my life.  Our choices drive out speed and the outcome.  I still like to go over the speed limit just because I can.  I still love fast food.  Instant gratification is the driving force.  What I really love is how quickly God welcomes me back when I have gone astray.  Now that is fast!

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