Thursday, July 31, 2014

What happened?!

     There I was minding my own business when I was blind sided with some complaints that came directly out of left field.  Why didn't I see that coming?  It's not like me to not pick up on the unexpected.  I have lived with the unexpected happening since I was young.  So, you would think that I would have seen it coming.  But I didn't and here I am wondering what happened.  Have you ever felt like that?
     I have a ready mental list that I check in on every day with the situations and people I have in my life.  Not crazy today, check!  It's like clockwork.  I get up early and take care of the dogs, make coffee, and journal followed by writing the blog.  By then my wife is up and goes into her home office.  The rest of the day is dedicated to all the other stuff in my life.  Maybe that's part of the problem?  Maybe I've just painted myself into the corner with trying to anticipate any and all potential problems?
     So, who cares, I mean really cares, if I feed the dogs before or after I have my coffee in hand?  Maybe the dogs but certainly no one else.  So what if I don't write in the journal.  You would think I was some long distance runner that HAS to run every day.  But there is a race to be run every day.  It's the Christian race.  Paul talks about the running the race to get the prize.  He wasn't talking about physically.  Spiritually do I run the race?  Have I even entered the race?  How does this race become side tracked?  Stuff!
     Stuff gets in our way.  The simplicity that God wants us to live is shoved to the side for the complex and impossible.  Thinking we have 36 hours in every day we strive for more hours just to accomplish this and that.  Who really cares if we strive for anything in this manner?  God does.  He doesn't want us to have cares.  He wants us to put them on the altar and leave them there along with worries and complaints.  He also wants us to dump the wants and needs there as well.  He can take care of it all. 
     Just what has happened?!  I'll tell you what happens in my life.  Slowly, I begin to lower my guard and begin to take things upon myself that I have previously given to God.  With this toe hold, Satan is able to create a chasm from the small crack.  God has equipped me with the tools necessary to stop the pending doom with the full armor of God.  Why did I think it was wise to take it off?  Was it the heat (in the kitchen) or the fire in the frying pan (others expectations)? 
     I think I know what happened.  I think I threw my hands up in the air at one point and surrendered the game.  Whenever I do that the day downward spirals until I either get back under the protection and wisdom of God or I go to bed.  I'm 61 and this is no new concept.  I've been working on my life with God for 41 years.  You would think over that amount of time I could have been at the place where I have more peace.  I do have more peace and like everyone else want more with my doing less. 
     Just for today (that's all I have) I will stop, put God back on top, and do what he tells me to do.  I may have to restart this process a few times to get through the day.  That's okay.  Things are always better with God in control.  That's the way it should be.  I know what happened. 

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