Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm tired and it's not Friday!

     Life can be so exhausting...  Yep, it's true.  What can we do about it?  Why is life exhausting?  When do you need to have a break from life?  How about now?  Pretend you are not reading but sleeping in your favorite position.  Are you smiling yet?  Okay, in the warm sunshine on your poolside lounge chair?  Not smiling yet?  Hmmm...  Perhaps you aren't physically tired.  Maybe you, like me, suffer from brain tired?!  Brain tired is when things have been going through your mind and you are just tired.  Tired of the conflict, tired of the decision making, tired of trying to please someone else, and tired of having to be yourself.
     I'm tired too.  Yet, I can't quit.  God and people depend on me.  Really?!  Let's see about that.  What would happen if you were in traction in the hospital.  What could they depend on then.  A month later into rehab and unable to do whatever it is that you think you alone can do?  What will they depend on then?  Some people are happy when they are making someone else miserable.  Try as we might, we cannot avoid them all the time.  Some of the time we can.  Avoidance can be tiring just as well as any other choice.  Who or what am I avoiding?  Why?
     Sometimes we get tired of being in a relationship.  That would be with a significant other, friend, family or even an enemy.  I know it's a bit difficult but we are in relationship with our enemies as well.  If the enemy is taking up space in our mind, we have a relationship.  Being defensive and angry is tiring!  So, why do we do it?  What is it that we get out of being in relationships that are conflicting in their nature?  For beginners we get distance.  Distance from them and the problems they bring with them.  Perhaps it's the only way for you to express your frustration and anger with those in other categories.  Maybe you need your enemy so that you don't yell as your spouse, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your kids, and friends.
     Take some time to yourself.  Tell everyone you need time to yourself.  Go and sit under a tree in a park (or out in the sunshine) and just rest physically.  Let your mind go where it wants to go until it's calmed as well.  Deep breathing with the Holy Spirit may even be called for.  Don't even take any distraction with you.  No MP3, no dog, no phone (unless it's turned off) and of course no one else.  Guess what?  The world will continue on it's own very well if you take a break from the world.  Honestly!  Life will go on without Steve Hawley making a decision, doing a task, or walking the dogs. 
     I was once told in a lecture that "you are not as important as you think."  I was offended until I was on my way home.  I got to thinking what would my world be like if I died in a car accident?  What would my world be like if I was holed up in a hospital for 3 months and then another 3 months in rehab?  Just what would grind to a halt and not be accomplished?  How about you?  If you were out of the picture for a bit what would come to a complete stop if you didn't do this or that, think this or that, and make decisions about this or that?
     The one element we have ignored today is the one element that means the most.  God wants us to take a break.  He wants us to take a break from everything.  Jesus went away from his disciples and just meditated for some time.  Why can't we?  Are we thinking we are more important than Jesus?  That would be wrong but unfortunately when we take the load of the world onto our shoulders we do just that.  We kick God out of the first place of our lives.  Then things begin to accelerate as we go down the hill with no means to stop the sled.  Eventually, if we don't stop, we will crash.  Don't worry though.  God will still be with us.  He will go to the hospital with us and be with us as our injuries mend and then as we go home to rehab.  Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  Never! 
     Take a few moments now to give God back your world.  It's not yours anyway.  Let Him take the worries and discontentment.  He died so that you didn't need to.  Give him the whole of your life.  Hold nothing back.  Now do that several times a day.  I'm not so tired now.  How about you?

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