Tuesday, July 8, 2014

There I was, minding my own business...

     When life happened!  I can't say I wasn't warned but I was surprised that this could happen to me.  I'm getting ahead of myself and will go back to fill you in.  After all, this could happen to you or maybe has happened to you.  How often we end up in our beds just about going to sleep and we are reflecting on how the day went.  We don't mean to but we are suddenly aware that our day was spent without much thought of God being with us through the day. 
     I was a young Christian in Europe (W. Germany) in the Army.  I was also working at a Christian Coffee House with Youth With A Mission.  So, it's not a big surprise that burning the candle with obligations was taking it's toll.  The work in the coffee house didn't seem like work.  It was what God wanted me to be doing.  That much I was sure of.  Having grown up on a large farm I knew all about long days out in the field.  Being me, I didn't know how to do anything less that 200 percent.  I'm still that way in many areas of my life.  I don't believe that will change in the final years of my life.
     On that particular day I was pressed in on both sides.  I was a mechanic in the US Army at that time.  Working on tanks and other vehicles was what I did and I loved doing.  Being able to work a normal 8 or 9 hours in my position was great.  Being able to go to work at the Coffee House for the ministry was wonderful as well.  Even the best of intentions would leave me exhausted that day.  Not just tired but exhausted!  The kind of exhaustion that leaves you dreaming of the moment when your head hits the pillow and you immediately drop into a state of deep sleep.
     When I got back to the barracks and in my room I was definitely ready to hit the pillow!  After getting ready for bed I laid down and much to my surprise I didn't fall asleep!  Couldn't fall asleep!  So, I put on some soft music and laid back down only to feel the same feelings and unable to go to sleep!  I turned off the music and listened to my roommate, Chuck, snore as he slept.
     That's when life happened and no amount of preparation could have made me ready.  My name was spoken out loud as I lay in my bed unable to sleep.  Chuck's voice didn't sound like this voice.  There was no one else there in the room with us.  The voice was familiar but I couldn't place it with anyone in my life.  So, I did the logical thing.  I shook my head, turned over and tried to sleep.  A few seconds later I heard the same voice say my name out loud. 
     Suddenly it became clear to me that this was God talking with me!  It was apparent that he wanted me to pray.  I always prayed just before going to bed.  That night I chose to not pray.  So, I slid out of my bed and to my knees and opened my heart and mind for God and a time of communion.  I don't believe I had ever had such a wonderful time of prayer before that night and since that night.  God WANTED to talk with me!  Wow! 
     As I relaxed and focused on our relationship many different topics and people flowed through my mind and I prayed for them all.  I even prayed for those things that come into our minds and we are left asking "Why this?"  To this day I remember every moment as if this happened last night.  After getting to a place where nothing more came to my mind and heart; I stopped and climbed back in bed.  The last thing I remember was my head falling to the pillow.  I don't remember ever having fallen asleep so fast. 
     The next morning I was refreshed and ready to go.  The memory of that night is as clear today as it was then.  I'm so thankful that God talks with us even today.  I have to admit that there are times when I haven't listened to God.  I'm sorry God.  Please forgive me. 
     Perhaps today you are in my place back then.  Maybe God has been speaking to you.  And this part of my life is intended to help you be closer to God than you ever have been.  I don't know.  Only you and God know.  My prayer is that you will stop the merry-go-round and get off long enough to listen to God, to praise God and to enjoy the moments. 
     Life happens regardless of our choices.  Things seem to be better when we choose to listen to god and worse when we choose to listen to ourselves.  Sometimes God only wants to say "Hi."  My life has been punctuated with times I didn't make time for God and the results were disastrous!  After all, living for God is always my choice.

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