Sunday, July 20, 2014

Do you remember Burma Shave?

     For those of you who don't remember the Burma Shave advertisements I will explain.  These catchy advertisements were placed at intervals along our highways.  The one sign would carry on from where the last one ended with the next section of the ad.  All the signs, if followed, gave a positive message and advertised for Burma Shave; a shaving cream.  I'm sure there are some of those advertisements out there still proclaiming their truths.  Now you know what I'm talking about.
     If there were a series of ads that described you and ended with "is Christian!" what would they say?  I've asked myself that question and have had to answer one way for my best and one way for my worst.  I love the first but despise the second.  When we live our lives in public or private we are making statements as to what is our first love and what is not.  Here is an example.  My son Benjamen came home from camp one year and informed me that he learned he was to love God more than he loved me.  Wow!  I agreed with him and am glad he has learned that truth.  I know he still loves me and his priorities of loving God first is great!
     I wasn't a Christian until I was an adult.  Twenty one years old to be exact.  It was then that I saw the first "sign"  The sign said I had been dead for 21 years and now was alive.  Being "awakened" by God or "raised from the dead" became a very real event that changed every aspect of my life.  The second sign said that nowhere on earth was my home to be found.  My home was Heaven where I would reside when my time on earth was done.  The third sign came with growth in the Word.  Reading the Bible is important.  The Bible became the standard by which I was to live my life.  Though this has been the hardest part, it's still a valuable part of my living for God.  The next sign addressed the Biblical imperative that we "pour out our lives as an offering to God."  I've not really noticed how it has happened.  I was so busy living life that I've not taken the time to count or list those who have been brought into my path for their need of Christ.  It doesn't matter.  I'm still pouring out my life.  Whenever I've taken a side road, God has been faithful to make a way for me to come back to the straight and narrow.
     I know there is a final sign.  I'm believing it will say, "Well done, good and faithful servant.  Enter into the rest of the Lord."  Yep, the final sign will be at the gates to Heaven.  Nothing else is as important as this final sign.  I want to be found having run the good race.  I want to be welcomed into Heaven.  I want all with whom I have contact in any manner to be able to do the same.  My life isn't posted on signs on the side of the road.  It's His life through me.  My prayer is that you can see past "me" and see "Him".  The signs are all there.

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