Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Somewhere in between

     That doesn't seem like something bad.  It doesn't sound like something good either.  It's somewhere in between.  You and I and society all have a stance where we believe it is right.  You and I and society all have a stance where we believe it is wrong.  No wonder our world is so messed up!  People aren't making a stand.  There is little to no evidence that we will every agree on anything.  So, in our society today we are encouraged to either be liberal or to be somewhere in between.  That way no one will be offended.
     I don't believe that.  I believe there are decisions we make all the time that define our personal world.  I've decided a long time ago that my favorite mean is ham and scalloped potatoes.  That hasn't changed and is not in between.  It's very specific and I'll keep this personal choice.  That goes for religion also.  I'm Christian.  But what is a Christian?  Let's do something maverick and go straight to the source.
     Let's ask God!  Brilliant!  Wait...if we ask God we are stating that God does exist.  Hmm...okay, let's look at the Bible; his book.  Am I doing what the Bible says I should do?  That's easy, no, I'm not.  Am I doing what the Bible commands.  Sometimes.  Have I given my life to Jesus?  Yes, that much is true.  Have I come to the place where I have no sin?  No, and that will never happen as we are sinful whether we are Christian or not.  At least that's according to the Bible.  I don't like being in between when it comes to my relationship with God. 
     When we look over what the Bible says and understand the merciful heart of God; we should want to change.  Sometimes we make the commitment to change and find out the process of change requires lots of change in our life and in our relationships.  What was once thought of as right is now wrong.  That decision makes an impact on who we are with and what we do for a living.  God knew that.  So, what to do?
     We can still make the commitment to being a Christian and still choose somewhere in between.  It's kind of like smoking.  Some people need to wean themselves off smoking.  There will be lots of failures before the success.  The same goes for drinking or any other habit.  God wants us to succeed and tells us so in the Bible.  He also knows how human we are and what our temptations are.  Yet, he loves us.
     It would be nice if we were perfect.  But we are not.  We are somewhere in between.  It would be nice if all were saved.  But all are not.  This is where we turn the page and find out that God is patient and merciful.  He wants the best for us in all situations and yet has given us free will.  We all will use our free will for positive and negative choices.  We're somewhere in between.

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