Monday, July 14, 2014

Where did that come from?

     Packing to move is probably the most hideous job I've ever done.  While packing we all find "stuff" that we wonder where it came from.  I haven't found the $1 million that was stuffed somewhere for safe keeping.  As if finding things that we didn't know about, there are also those things we'd love to forget about.  For me the packing for 2 people should be easier than it is.  At least that is what I thought.  Suffice it to say, I think moving for one would be stressful enough.  But wait, there's more!  Yes, I'm still going to have to unpack.  How many of you have unopened boxes from your last move.  Min last move was 10 years ago (almost). 
     Moving can be a metaphor for many different things except sanity.  Sanity can only be stretched so far and then we reach the end of the rope.  It seems like the rope gets shorter and shorter as I grow older.  Things that I would have taken in stride before have become tedious and nerve racking.  I adverted a disaster first thing in the morning when I discovered we had only decaf coffee available.  Quick trip out for coffee.  Guess what?  I don't have any coffee today either as I didn't buy any coffee beans or grounds.  So, I'll have to make that trip again this morning.  Without coffee the day cannot start.  Ten years ago coffee wouldn't have even factored into the moving equation.  Now it pre-empts anything.
     When you move, as everyone will do someday,  You will probably do at least one or two moves with other adults.  Now you are moving for many other members of the households.  So, you have all their belongings as well.  As you pack you may find yourself thinking or saying (not advised); "Where did this stuff come from?"  "Do you really need your skateboard from junior high?"  You see, moving is divided into 3 categories.  There is the past followed by the present and then of course the future.  The more people involved in the move, the greater the growing pile of boxes will be.
     Wanting as much peace and smoothness to the move; I have developed a strategy.  Since all I have belongs to God (even people), I'll switch the light on and pack all of God's stuff.  That eliminates the past right off the bat.  God says that he remembers our past no more (sin) and makes all things new.  Yes!  I can get a riding mower!  Further, God says it's okay to remember the past but don't live there.  That's the letting go part.  So far the strategy is only working when I get out of the way or submit to the plan.
     I know we all have a past.  If you can't remember the past just ask a close friend or relative.  God doesn't want us to forget and does want us to let go.  We certainly cannot do anything about the past.  That vase I broke the last time we moved?  Yep, I can forget that.  Someone else may remember but with God it's gone.  Letting go of the past may mean addressing some very painful memories.  God has packing tape and boxes for that as well.  They then can be packed away and never be opened like all of those boxed things that have been stored away.
     God has told me that there is nothing I can do about the future.  He says that all of our plans are feeble attempts compared to his perfect plan.  Kind of like salvation.  We know we need salvation from our sinful lives.  We know that Jesus paid for all of our sins.  We even say the salvation prayer.  Why is it so hard to let God have the future?  If you are looking at this time in your life ask God why and then do what he says. 
     Now we are left with the present.  Just today.  Maybe only an hour or two to spend our energy on.  God tells us to pace ourselves that we might not only finish the race we have started but also that we don't crash and burn early in the race.  Besides we can only carry one or two boxes at a time.  Refer to packing God's stuff. 
    Just for today live for God.  Just for today enter God's plan.  Just for today enter God's rest.  You and I need all three.

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