Thursday, May 11, 2017

Somewhere in time...

     There have been many books written about time.  I won't try to improve upon any of them.  What I'd like to do is reflect on Christian time.  Yes, there is such a thing.  For the Christian there is no time.  None.  We live here but will live there.  For the unbeliever there is time in many forms.  First, there is the fact that they aren't live people.  They are dead.  Dead in their sins and unable to understand the need for life in some cases.  The Christian was once dead but is now alive.  The Bible tells us in Genesis that mankind had unlimited life in the garden before sin.  Once sin was conceived, there was nothing but death.  Time began when the fall took place.  Since it's been brought about by sin, it's dead time.  To those who choose Christ as Savior, life again begins and time ceases to exist.  One moment we exhale here and the next we inhale there.  Such is life to life for the Christian.  We are transformed in the twinkling of an eye and brought face to face with Jesus.  So why does time mean so much to the Christian?  What is the need for time?  Time is important to the Christian but seemingly for the wrong reason.  We seem to be caught up in the measurement of time for work, for engagements, for schoolwork, for TV and sports, and for most every moment of our lives.  The exception unfortunately is that we don't measure out much time for God.  Time with God equals blessings by God.  Time spent with the world equals the slavery of the world.  You would think that wouldn't be a hard choice.
     We exist in an "if" and "when" world.  Both of which are confined to our thinking, our imagination and our self imposed jail called time.  For the Christian there shouldn't be such confines.  For the Christian there should be freedom from time.  The Bible is clear when stating that God will give us breath, blessings and salvation IF we take the time to give him our lives.  Once we grab hold of the idea that we are living in a constant state of grace we can better understand the need to let go of time.  If, for instance, I were to die physically today what would be the use of all that may have been planned for tomorrow and beyond?  That's why, in the Sermon on the Mount, that Jesus tells us to "take no thought of tomorrow."  None.  In the Christian life there is a need to live on Christ's timetable.  We cannot do so if we have our own "calendar" or "schedule" or whatever drives us.  Paul talks about being "instant in season and not to share the glory that is within us, that is Christ Jesus."  Instant is right now.  Not when we can fit it into our schedule.  Paul encourages us to continually be in a state of prayer.  Why?  First so we can focus on Christ and secondly be able to hear his instructions the moment they are given.  I'm sure many more than I have not taken that nudging and a missed opportunity has passed us and others by.  Time is not for us to direct.  Time is for us to live an abundant life for God.
     Why do we let so much get in our way?  The church is partly to blame.  Schedule!  Church on Wednesday and Sunday nights.  Church on spiritual holidays (one needs to wonder which spirit is being honored) and special holy days.  Church camps in the summer and retreats in the winter.  The Christian is left to their own desires in all the time in between.  Perhaps you are aware of this living style in your church and world.  Exactly what does it mean to be His?  What are the components that make up the Christian life from God's point of view?  Somewhere in time he created you.  Somewhere in time he lived and died for you.  Somewhere in time you chose to be alive in Christ instead of dead in the world.  Somewhere in time you were deceived into believing that the world's idea of living for Christ was the right one.  Somewhere in time....  We all need to daily surrender.  Paul said he laid down his life DAILY in order for Christ to live through him.  We should as well.  That requires us to accept that every moment, every breath and every step is following Christ living without time.  Freed up from the confines of demonology we are able to bear fruit because we are living a Christ centered life. Somewhere in need to make a decision.  It's always your choice.

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