Thursday, May 4, 2017

Fed up and outraged!

     I am fed up and outraged by the way the Christian community sits around and does nothing to take care of the orphan and the widow.  They don't go forth and share the Gospel nor do they lay hands on the sick and see them healed.  I'm fed up that Christians can't do this or that because they feel they would offend someone or some group that is clearly not worshipping God but rather the devil.  Call it what you may but if you aren't worshipping God you are serving the devil.  I'm fed up and outraged that there are groups (even whole denominations) that support the sins Christians have legalized so that they don't have to toe the Gospel line.  I'm fed up and outraged that people put out more money for their morning coffee than they do for God.  I'm fed up and outraged that Christians are being killed all over the world for their faith and yet it seems that this isn't part of the Christian agenda omitting prayer much less protest.  I'm fed up and outraged that the world is going to hell in a hand basket and NO ONE is doing anything about it!  Sitting by when we know what is right to do and not doing it is sin.  Remember then that this too is a sin for the Christian.  I'm fed up and outraged that we think things are getting better when they are actually getting worse.  Like the frog in the pot of heating water, we are killed having done nothing to bring Jesus to the lost.
     That was my rant for the day.  It's not that we don't do anything.  Some do everything.  Maybe you are one of those who share the above rant.  Maybe Jesus is more than Sunday morning and Wednesday nights.  Perhaps you handed out blankets or umbrellas (it is Washington) to the homeless last night.  Were you the one who went through their closet and removed the clothes you haven't worn in 6 months and given them to those who need clothing?  I don't know, maybe instead of throwing away all the leftovers you packaged up the meals and delivered to that homeless teen you know lives under the freeway.  Were you the pastor who stopped to help someone in need or were you the pastor in a rush to a prayer meeting and didn't stop.  Was it your spouse and children who decided to go and volunteer at the night shelter when it was 15 degrees out?  Many claim to do this or that for the Gospel but are they really doing anything at all?  We've deceived others and all because we have deceived ourselves first that we are doing the "Christian" thing.  What is wrong with us?  Why are we sitting on our butts and doing nothing? 
      Well, the easy questions have been typed here.  Let's look at some of the difficult questions.  Why don't your tell God why you don't love him?  Why don't you tell Jesus that he died in vain because you love yourself more than him?  Why don't you share with the Holy Spirit that you don't believe his words and directions to you day after day?  Why don't you care about the lost or the even your own children?  Would you explain to them why you let them accept the pagan world in the things they read, hear and watch?  Maybe giving them the Gospel should be seen more important than giving them a cell phone and license to do anything they want when they want and how they want?  Or maybe they are just watching you and your spouse living the good life of a pagan and think it's perfectly okay for a Christian to live that way.  Are you being the Christian that Christ would be proud to say he died for?  Well, would he?  So, when things grow wrong, don't ask why God didn't do this or that.  You know why.  You haven't been the person Christ wants you to be.  Remember, it's always your choice.  Choose wisely.

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