Wednesday, May 10, 2017

People don't need churches.

     People don't need churches.  People need to pray without ceasing.  Being continually in contact with the risen and living Lord who died for their salvation.  People don't need churches.  People need to tell their children, spouses, friends, families and others about Jesus so that they might not perish.  People don't need churches.  People need to allow Jesus to live through their lives at all times.  People don't need churches.  People need to feed the hungry, care for the widow and orphan.  People don't need churches.  People need to not compromise the Gospel message because someone else thinks it's not politically correct.  People don't need churches.  People need to turn off the garbage on the TV and open the Bible, read, and pray.  People don't need churches.  People need to be the sermon message to those around them.  People don't need churches.  People need to have potlucks in their homes for those wanting to follow Jesus.  People don't need churches.  People need to minister to the homeless, those in prison, and those who have lost their way.  People don't need churches.  They need to stop trying to impress their peers, those in church and at work with their lives.  People don't need churches.  People need Jesus!
     It may sound simple when you read this.  That's because it is simple.  All that is required is to have an open and willing heart.  This may sound complex.  That's because it is complex.  All that is required is we be mired in our own concerns than Jesus' concerns.  We choose whether we live a simple life or a complex one.  Jesus says his burden is light.  Yet, I hear many Christians talk about how hard life is.  Why is that?  Because they are living with one foot in the Gospel and one foot in the world.  Privately they are Christians.  Publically they are just another person going to work, being a father, mother, friend or co-worker.  Why is it that we make things that are simple so complex?  Maybe it's because we don't believe that we are truly set free when we surrender to Christ.  Maybe you and I need to open all the door of our life to the Holy Spirit to come in and clean house!  Now that would be wonderful!  We often are unable to imagine our lives other than how they are.  I've lived a hard life with choices I've made that aren't God's choices.  I've lived a hard life due to what the world has thrown at me.  I've lived a hard life as a Christian because the world hates Christians.  Why is that?  Because they are in the world and the world here is under the control Satan. 
     People don't need churches...they need to BE the church.  Are you the church?  Am I the church?  These should be our daily question.  Am I living for the world or is Jesus living through me?  There isn't room in life for both regardless of what we may be experiencing.  Do we truly believe that we are the church at all times with the power of the risen Savior leading every facet of our lives?  We should.  However, many aren't convinced that the Bible is true and yet they call Jesus their Savior. I don't see any Scripture supporting that stance.  Many don't believe there is a hell.  There isn't Scripture to support that either.  Many don't believe that you need to leave your life and let Jesus live through you.  Again, no Scripture to support that thinking.  The Bible says we need to test every area of life with the plumb line of the Holy Scripture.  If you don't do this then what are you using as a plumb line?  I'll tell you.  You are using the world as the standard of who to be and how to act.  The world lies so that Christians will not only compromise their faith but to give up their faith.  By the way, if you were truly surrendered to God there would be no need for compromise.  You and I would believe that God is who he said he is, does what he says he will do, and take care of our needs. For what purpose?  Certainly not to make life complex.  Rather, to make life simple.  This living is always a choice.  Do we choose simple or do we choose complex?  Do you believe that people don't need churches but need to be the church?  It's always your choice.

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