Wednesday, May 17, 2017

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.

     Because we live in such a mixed up world, the Christian needs to have an identity in order to avoid being drawn away from the calling they were first called for.  Simply put, the world wants us to have their identity which is in conflict with the identity we have in Christ.  Once we begin to have the world's identity, we are caught up in the domino affect falling for one thing and then the next and the next.  Before we know it we are representing the world and not Christ.  You may think that I'm not being open minded or unfair with my thoughts.  Check them out with the Bible.  God has already imprinted his image in us before conception.  His identity for us has been already laid before we were born.  So, what happened to that identity?  Did it go away?  Did it get stolen?  Did we voluntarily give it away?  Did the world mask the identity so that God would not be glorified?  Perhaps a bit of all of those is true.  What we do know though is the Bible is clear in it's stating that we are his creation created for his glory.  So, whether you are aware or not, you are still created in his image.  As we become aware of God, his glory, and his love for us through the life, death and resurrection Jesus went through for us, we see that glory, that image being uncovered and brought to life when we accept Jesus as Lord. 
     When we accept the fact that we are sinners and dead in our lives, we make the first step towards the throne of God.  How is that done?  We observe nature, listen to those who love God, and we see how Christians live.  These three are used to form our image or distort the image.  Those who are our parents, friends and others determine to some degree what we know by teaching us what they know.  If we are taught by atheists, we will adopt that stance.  If we are taught by Christians, we will adopt that stance.  Many have a "history" of Christianity in their families yet there is no real engagement and thus we bring about a generation of those who call themselves Christian but really have no idea what a Christian is all about.  We can go to Sunday school, Christian schools and even seminary without that vital connection of our identity being in Christ.  I've had the privilege of praying with all of my kids as they accepted Christ.  I've had the privilege of teaching them the Way and being an example.  That's only half of the picture.  I've also fallen and been a negative example more times than I am comfortable talking about.  However, I've also been an example of forgiven and redeemed sinful man.  God has been glorified through our lives when we are real first with Him and then to those around us.
     Winston Churchill's famous "Never!" speech comes to mind as he reminded the English people to never give up.  Never give up!  Yet, there have been many times personally that I have given up and let the world govern my life.  It didn't make me any less of a Christian.  It did compromise my witness and didn't bring glory to God.  People whom God brought my way didn't see Christ, they saw Steve.  When this happens to us, we need to be listening to the Holy Spirit drawing us back into that identity of Christ crucified.  Loving like God loves us.  Caring for the homeless, orphan and widow.  Ministering however Christ calls us without hesitation.  We, Christians, are all called to be witnesses to the ends of the earth.  We are all called to lay hands on the sick and to cast out demons in Jesus' name.  We are all called to persevere in our calling denying self and the world.  It's not someone else's job.  It's your job, my job, and the Christian's job.  As we go through this life let's be known for having shown Christ to the world and for our commitment to God's will in the identity he has given us.  Remember, it's always your choice!

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