Saturday, May 20, 2017

Mystified by the complexity

     As Christians living in this world our beliefs have become so complex and filled with much that doesn't resemble anything I've read in the Bible.  Yet, in the name of someone's selfish desires we have enough denominations and independent churches not united.  If you don't agree with someone else, just start a new church.  Don't think dancing is right or the need of speaking in tongues, just start another church.  In the end there is so much superfluous junk crammed into the current Christian definition that I am mystified by it's complexity.  The Gospel is Jesus loves me this I know because the Bible tells me so.  The Gospel is John 3:16 which states God loved the world so much that he gave us Jesus his Son for our Savior.  The Gospel is encapsulated in you and I must be saved and that can only happen when we give our lives to Jesus.  Now that's not so complex is it?  Why do the believers in the land demand difference and then require their followers to accept what they interpret as the Gospel?  Shouldn't God have a say in things?  The Bible is clear in Galatian's and Revelations where it's stated that we aren't supposed to add or subtract from the Gospel or face dire consequences if we do.  Now that seems simple and clear.
     There are so many that are led astray when brought into the fold of those who have changed the Gospel message.  They in turn lead others astray and the end result is a group (large or small) that aren't focused on Jesus.  Rather, they are focused on legalism of their group and it's leader.  The focus is on how the "others" are different and "wrong" rather than fellow brothers and sisters who love the Lord.  The end result is a group of people that God doesn't recognize.  Yes, some have not heeded the Word of God and have had their names removed from the book of life.  That is tragic and again mystifies me why they have taken a simple Gospel and made it complex.  From the group that demands to see your paycheck to determine if you've given 10 percent to the groups that have added books to the Bible or "another gospel" we find so much misinterpretation.  That misinterpretation brings about a divisive body of believers.  With the church divided Satan gains ground in taking souls with him to hell.  Don't want that to be me.  Blessing the animals and salvation from another means wreak the same havoc.  People not going out to bring the Gospel to others fall into the same category.  If your church, denomination or group believes other than the what the Bible states, they are separated from God and you should separate yourself from them.
     By the way, the prosperity gospel preached by so many television preachers is not a the Gospel.  If you consider that only those who have been baptized are saved or those who speak in tongues, you are deceived.  You might be deceived if your group doesn't believe in musical instruments or insist you call your pastor "father".  The Virgin Mary doesn't save, can't save and won't be able to save you.  Only those who call upon the name of Jesus may be saved.  You have to go to church on the Sabbath.  Wrong.  You can't dance.  Wrong.  You must go through ceremony to be in the presence of God.  Wrong.  You must believe that you are your own destiny and that you can heal yourself.  Wrong.  See what I mean?  The complexity of what is believes mystifies the common sense of the Word of God and the instructions of Jesus.  Why take what is so simple and make it complex?  That won't draw you near to God.  In the end it's between you and Jesus.  In the end you will stand before the Father alone.  In the end your choices will bring you the positive consequence of Heaven or the negative consequence of hell.  In the end, it's always your choice.

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