Friday, May 26, 2017

I caught myself worrying yesterday.

     But that's not what the Christian is supposed to do!  The Sermon on the Mount clearly states that the Christian is to not worry about tomorrow and certainly not today either.  The cares of the world may press in on us but we are able to know that God has taken care of (yes, already) of all of our needs.  Period.  Since he has taken care of all of our needs we are released from worry to attend to his will in our lives.  So, I stopped worrying.  That wasn't working for me anyway.  There is nothing I can do about yesterday, tomorrow hasn't arrived and today has enough to deal with on it's own.  Do not be concerned about the cares of the world.  Travelling on the freeway the car in front of you is slower than molasses.  So you get irritated.  It's your choice.  However, as soon as you choose irritation over peace, your peace goes away.  Getting the kids out the door so that you can get out the door to work yourself on time?  The world will go on with or without you.  If you are in a rush, the kids are being rushed, and the time isn't taken to love them like Jesus would love them; there's something wrong with your relationship with time and Jesus.  Everyone else's emergency doesn't dictate an emergency on your part.  The world is unfolding as it's supposed to and there is little you can do about it.  You can retain your peace which God has given you.  Someone else's choice shouldn't take you out of your relationship with Jesus.
     Found that I hadn't put any time in with Jesus to take care of the orphan and the widow.  Didn't lay hands on anyone and let Jesus heal them or deliver them.  You and I do just that.  I could just say that everyone else does this.  But that wouldn't be true.  I could say that there were other things to be done.  That wouldn't be true either.  How much time and energy does it take to buy two lunches (one to go) and then drop it off for that homeless and destitute person near your work?  But we don't do that either.  You may think your kind words of greeting are wasted on THAT person.  It isn't.  We do tend to stop when we receive nothing back.  Then we are greeting for the wrong motive.  We aren't to consume anything for our own purpose.  Getting greetings from the grouchy isn't our concern.  Jesus wants us to be real with all people.  Not just the ones we know are Christian.  Not just those who are in charge of your pay raise.  Not just your friends and family.  Everyone.  Your words to others spoken in the love of Christ are solicited by God.  When you let the love of God flow through your "Hey!  How are you?" you have unleashed the power of God to reach into that person's life.  Maybe that's why you became a Christian.
     Jesus was tempted in every way the Bible tells us.  So, he can associate with your circumstances.  I am tempted all the time.  Sometimes the temptation wins and more often than not the urge is quelled by the focus on Jesus.  Yet, there are times when I am tempted and make excuses for that stance.  Have you ever heard the phrase "Well, I'm only human!"  I should tell you now that you and I are aliens if we have accepted Jesus.  We aren't home.  We are sojourners traversing this world in our quest to be with Jesus in heaven.  That's the focus we should have.  We aren't to be focused on the cares and worries of this world.  When we have the focus that we are sojourners and seeking to see Jesus, we realize that the cares and worries of the world are only distractions we choose when we take our eyes off Jesus.  I'm sure that I will again worry and succumb to the cares of the world.  Hopefully less and less as I mature in Christ.  I, like you, need to remember that it's always our choice.

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