Tuesday, May 23, 2017

It's simply amazing!

     Today I turn 64.  Never in my life did I think I would ever be this age.  I don't feel old and certainly don't act that way either.  My life has been one intense ride!  I'm not going to die any day soon unless the Lord desires me to come home.  It's amazing all the places I've gone, things I have done and things I have participated in.  It's amazing all the changes my life has gone through, the increase in my experiences and learning and the times when I've been humbled at just how much I don't know, haven't learned and haven't experienced.  No, I won't be jumping out of a perfectly good airplane anytime soon.  Through all of this God has been with me.  He has reaffirmed to me that he will neither leave me nor forsake me...ever.  I am his.  That's amazing as well scoundrel that I am.  The 139th Psalm tells me that he knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb.  He knew and knows every thought I will have, every action and inaction that will come through my life and what I will do in hardship as well as good times.  His love overflowed towards me when he sent his Son to die in my place so that I could have life and that life abundantly.  To that end, I have pledged my life to Him and His glory.  And, I've fallen more than I like.  He's always been there to pick me up, forgive me and continue his love for me.  Wow!
     When I think of the number of people who have passed through, stayed for a while or just visited my life I am amazed!  There are no coincidences in the Christians life.  There have been more people than I can imagine who have impacted my life for good or naught.  Both have been there to bring glory to God.  There have been many who have loved me, continue to love me and always love me.  It may not exactly be my definition of love.  However, it's love none the less and I won't look down on any part of it.  There have been co-workers and bosses who have been part of my life along with pastors and congregations.  There have been enemies who sought my ruin and reminded me that not everyone loves with the love of God.  I'm amazed at how much patience people and God have had for me over the years.  I'm also thankful for that patience and tolerance.  I'm not perfect and not always easy to live with. 
     I'm thankful that I can sit here this morning and write to you what I feel God would have me write.  I'm sitting in my recliner and looking out at the sunrise on the back of this beautiful setting.  It's quiet except for the chickens who occasionally cackle to announce another egg being laid.  The hummingbirds flirting by at the speed of light and the flowers vibrant all around me.  With my being able to enjoy another wonderful day there shouldn't be a complaint.  Moles are digging up my lawn somewhere as I write these words.  I'm amazed that there is such complicated simplicity in the complexity of the natural world around me.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all that God has created and then am brought to the realization that he has done so for me!  You and I can enjoy all that the world has put around us.  There is beauty in most things when we see them in relationship to God.  I wonder about dandelions but...moles too!  I'm going to do the same things I do every day and enjoy his presence in it all.  I don't live a mundane life and don't think for a minute that will change anytime in the near or distant future.  These are all choices that I have made.  Remember, it's always your choice.  Have a great day!

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