Thursday, December 8, 2016

Unlike the weather people, The Bible is accurate!

     When I woke up this morning and looked out my window from the warmth and comfort of my bed, I saw stars!  Why is this so astounding?  Because the weather people had forecast snow in the morning.  Since I was looking at stars I could only assume that there weren't clouds and if there weren't clouds then it certainly couldn't be snowing.  I was right.  Yes, it was 30 degrees outside and it was chilly but no snow.  Over the past week the forecast went from 10 inches of snow this morning to 3 inches of snow.  I'm sure they have re-predicted snow for sometime in the future.  The weather people can't be counted on.  Maybe they should look outside of their window?  When I was a gardener I could always tell when rain was on it's way because the gophers would plug their entrances and exits.  The geese and ducks heading south tells me that fall is here and winter is on it's way.  You probably have noticed certain changes that signal changes in the weather.  One of my favorite's is my right ankle.  Whenever it begins to ache with pain (surgery) I know that the weather is going to change.  Period.  Always accurate. 
     People look towards the signs of the times and predict some ridiculous things.  IBM said their first big computer would have all the memory required for the whole world.  Wrong.  So it is with Christians.  They look towards the Scripture with either skepticism or over-belief.  The skeptics sit back and say that the prophecies aren't anything to depend on because of one reason or another.  They do the same with what seems like unanswered prayers.  They also tend to diss on those who believe the Scripture and the prophecies as well as promises from God.  Over-belief is seeing things not in evidence as true.  Their belief is that the slightest sign means more than it may really mean.  There are groups and individuals who believe that the rapture has already taken place.  There are also people who see any movement by governments as the precursor to some prophecy coming true when it's not.  The over-belief people tend to be hysterical and demanding.  Neither reaction is what God wants.  So, who is left?
     I happen to think that the Bible has all the answers.  I also believe that the Holy Spirit directs us if we are open and willing.  The Father is loving and wants to bless his children (those who believe).  I think Scripture is inspired and the word of God.  Having read the Scripture cover to cover over the years I do have a little knowledge of what it says.  Here is what I see as to the weather people issue.  First, weather is going to happen whether or not we like it.  Second, the weather is controlled by God who can confound the wise anytime he wants.  Third, the weather people know they will be wrong quite often and are just giving us their best guess.  In the end, there is nothing that can be done about the weather.  So, Jesus says that we shouldn't worry about tomorrow for it will take care of itself.  That leads us to what the Christian should be, think, and do.  If you have been reading my blog for any sort of time you know and can predict quite accurately what will come next.  Jesus wants us to spend TODAY doing what he commanded.  He wants us to bring the Gospel to all and to make disciples of all of mankind. Simple.  Now, it's your choice.  What are you going to do?  I don't care if it snows or not.  Neither should you.  It's always your choice.

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