Friday, December 30, 2016

Pretending to be an imposter.

     Difficult subject to wrap your head around?  Mine was having difficulty as well.  But I feel that this is what the Lord wants me to write so here goes.  One would think that pretending and being an imposter are one and the same.  Not so fast!  Pretending means we don't really mean what we think, say or do while being an imposter means we are posing as someone we aren't or presenting something we know to be false.  The Christian has filled both roles throughout the centuries and with the same effect of discrediting the message that Jesus has given them to share.  For instance, remember the other day when you were in the lunch room with co-workers and you laughed at that off color joke?  You pretended it didn't offend you.  The imposter in you took over and there you were without the witness of Christ anywhere near you.  Pretending to enjoy a sermon at church because your friend, spouse, parent or someone else wants you there makes you an imposter.  You moved from pretending to imposter when you went to church for any other reason than to worship Jesus.  Maybe you have bumper stickers that advertise your Christianity.  Then you cut off that car or are cut off and the finger comes out.  Pretender to imposter in 3 seconds!  Personally, I like the "saved but not perfect yet" bumper sticker.  IF you are truly saved, you have been made perfect in Christ.  Which is it going to be?
     Hollywood is the greatest collection of pretenders and imposters outside of the Senate and Congress.  I am amazed at the number of singers, actors and actresses who claim to be Christian and yet take roles that are very obviously demonic, obscene and other anti-Christian in their content.  Where is their belief in Christ when they so freely advertise for the enemy?  Why is it so important to compromise your beliefs to appease the world?  Because you can make money doing so.  Not so complicated.  People idolize those who do so and we wonder where the values of the Christian nation we once were have gone.  One of the biggie's lately was that Hollywood doesn't instill violence in the audiences they serve.  Really?!  Why does the Christian even watch these testaments to the devil and the world?  You know if you have watched that which is not of Christ.  Just because they bleep out the bad words doesn't make the show good.  Where is the Christian who takes a stand?  If you don't stand for anything, you will fall for anything.  Remember that if you know Christ that he is with you all the time.  That's not a threat.  That's a fact.  Why?  Because he loves you, cares for you and only wants to bless you and I...if we would only let Him.
     From political decisions to make abortion okay to cartoons that teach our children anything by Christ, we are a pretending and imposter world.  We lie to our kids and other's children and when they are older discover that we have lied to them.  If the Christian adult is okay with lying, then it is only logical to assume that the adult was pretending and an imposter of the Christian faith.  Then they grow up lying to their parents and others believing it's okay and even good.  We wonder why the moral decay is so great?  It's because of us.  I know many men and women who can quote sports statistics as if they memorized every player and team stat.  Yet, they can barely remember one or two verses from their Bible.  Perhaps we need to stop the pretending and being an imposter. Maybe we should put as much effort into what the Bible teaches as we do in our selfish lifestyles.  Maybe we need to LIVE out our faith with those we come into contact with instead of joining them in their lifestyle.  If someone can't accept Christ in me, it's not my problem.  I need to proclaim Christ in every situation and in every way possible so that some might be saved.  What is your choice going to be from this day forward?  Remember, it's always your choice.

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