Friday, December 9, 2016

All are not lost...but some Christians are.

     If you are not believing that God is capable of caring for your needs you might be lost.  If you are living a life where you live like the world when in the world and live like a Christian when you are in church or home you might be los.  If you believe something other than what the Bible teaches you might be lost.  If you teach this unbelief, contradictory living, doubt of the Bible and teach others to do the same you are lost.  No maybe about it.  We can state we have faith, attend church, read the Bible and even be public about it all; but you may still be lost.  Lost isn't just about not having met the Savior.  Lost is also about your lifestyle.  I recently read (again) the bumper sticker staying "All who wander are not lost."  If you wander from what God wants for you and leave the love of Christ for alternatives, you are lost.  When I go out to a new address I may become lost without some sort of guidance.  Hooked up with GPS, phone and maps helps minimize that situation.  However, the choice to utilize the tools to keep me from being lost is mine.  The tools have been invented for my benefit as well as the benefit of those around me.  Some who wander are lost.
     There is a plethora of thoughts and beliefs as to what to believe in.  That also applies to how we navigate life.  We have the dilemma of what we are taught as "truth" versus what is actual truth.  For instance for years I believed that the Subaru was from Sweden.  My son pointed out one day the truth that they weren't made in Sweden.  My belief was corrected and my belief was put on track with the truth.  We have those who take Scripture and utilize (read justify and rationalize) the twisting of these Scriptures to make sense of their world.  It keeps them from looking at the Scripture for discipline and correction.  They are lost.  Because we believe doesn't mean we are on the right road or travelling through this world with the direction of the Holy Spirit.  There are "denominations" and "religions" that propagate a belief contrary to what the Bible teaches.  According to Revelation they are lost.  Do we believe that?  Do we tolerate those who believe differently than what the Scripture says?  If we do, we too are lost.  If you and I stand for nothing, we will fall for anything.  Being lost is not one of the commands Christ left for the believers.  He commanded we go to the lost and show them the Way. 
     What you do with your life doesn't matter to others.  What you do with your life matters to God.  Being lost may be okay with the Christian world you live in.  It's not okay with the Christian world God wants you to live in.  So, our living choices lead us to live as lost or live as saved.  While we think we can negotiate the terms of our lives, there are no choices in regards to God's living choices.  If we don't guard our hearts and minds, stand for what's right, and practice our faith from God's perspective; we are lost.  The choices are always our and we are faced with daily choices.  We are called to be men, women and children of God.  How we live out lives shows whether we are living for Christ and are found or if we are living for ourselves and are lost.  Both choices are always yours. 

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