Saturday, December 17, 2016

It just isn't enough!

    It's 20 degrees this morning.  I'm in my warm house with food, clothing and heat.  That isn't the case for everyone.  From war torn cities and villages to the homeless on our streets there are so many without heat, food, clothing and shelter.  Though there are many Christians who try to make a difference in these folks lives, there are many more Christians who do nothing.  Turning a blind eye to focus on their needs and wants over their fellow man.  Christmas is supposed to be a time of giving testimony of the greatest gift of all; Jesus coming to man.  God with us.  What do you think the less fortunate think when God's people don't care about them?  None of us can do everything.  All of us can do something.  When we are not wanting to help there is a failure of our own doing.  Yet, there are many who can see that don't see.  There are many who hear but don't hear.  There are many who can help but don't help.  Have you ever thought what you would do if the roles were reversed?  I have.  While living in Chicago quite a number of years back I had my wake up call.  I volunteered at a homeless shelter.  The city of Chicago refused to allow the shelters to open until it was 15 degrees or colder.  That meant these men, women and yes, children were all out on the streets in the very cold weather. 
     Remember that Jesus' earthly parents had travelled from Egypt to Bethlehem around this time of year.  It was winter there as well.  Maybe it was cold and maybe it wasn't.  The results were the same.  When Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem they were faced with being a pregnant homeless couple with only what they carried on the donkey and on their bodies.  There was no place to stay because the limited  beds were occupied.  They ended up in the stable with the livestock.  Smelly, maybe cold and definitely without food.  Jesus knows what the homeless feel like.  He knows what it means to have others not attend to the needs of a pregnant mom on a donkey looking for a place to lay down for the night.  Yet, they did exactly what so many Christians do today.  Nothing.  I agree that some make homelessness their choice.  That doesn't mean you and I can't offer to help.  I agree that some are trapped in the prison of mental health or drug addiction.  That doesn't mean you and I can't offer to help.  I agree that many will refuse our offer to help.  That doesn't mean you and I can't offer to help.  You and I can do something.
     I find it amazing that Christians are concerned about the souls of others but do nothing to bring the help to them.  I find it amazing that so much food is thrown away in private homes and restaurants instead of using it to feel the hungry.  I am very amazed that we have full and overflowing closets of clothing and shoes when they could be best used when given away.  Are you amazed as well?  Do your heart strings get pulled at the plight of the lost and needy or are you so self focused that you don't even see them?  It's not someone else's job.  It's your job.  When we think that someone else is doing what needs to be done we ignore the work that God has fitted us to do.  What special training is needed to had a person in need a warm jacket, gloves and a sandwich?  None.  Does it really take a group or committee to organize and bring about (after several meetings) the good that you and I can do by bring to others what God has brought to us?  It's all about choice and of course it's always your choice.

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