Monday, December 5, 2016

Snow in the Christian's life.

    What!? I know, quite the title.  Bear with me a bit and we will see what God has to tell us about snow in the Christian's life.  Keep in mind that I've lived through many winters where snow was the primary element in my environment.  Blizzards?  I've seen a lot!  A few flakes?  I've seen them as well.  What interests me most is people's reaction to the snow.  This morning there was a forecast of snow for the area where I live.  About 8:30 a few flakes fell.  Hmm...guess that counts.  As people are hyped by the news media (weather people who are paid to be wrong 50% of the time) the hysteria is built until we are immobilized.  Rain doesn't do that.  But a forecast of snow?  Schools will be late, don't drive unless you have to, raid the grocery store in preparation, and of course have a plan.  My plan is to start a fire and drink my coffee.  Cover my self with a blanket later and take a nap.  But then I don't have children off to school, a job to commute to and my pantry, freezer and fridge are stocked as they always are.  How does this apply to the Christian?  Good question.  Glad you asked. 
     We live in a hyped up world where Satan controls the media.  ANYTHING that can distract us from God is hyped until people panic, road rage takes place and other such events.  Snowflakes take over as a primary player and Christian and non alike get caught up in fear.  But the Bible tells us that perfect love casts out ALL fear.  What does the Christian do with that?  They don't believe what the Bible says or what we are instructed to think, say and do.  Take, for example, discipleship and what God commands us to do.  His command is:  "Go into all the world and make disciples of men."  Simple.  But we don't do this with the exception of some who take their Bible and faith seriously.  For those who actually believe the hype of the world is passé.  Why do we spend so much time in church amongst other Christians when the command is for us to go forth and conquer?  Maybe because pastors are more concerned with the doctrine of men (demons) than they are in what the Gospel actually tells us to do.  So, instead of a blizzard the Christian church is more like a few falling snow flakes.  Wrong...
     Panic, fearmongering and delusions from the world (Christian and non) have taken over the church.  But that's now what the Bible says.  Like snow flakes to blizzards the Christian is to be ready to give account of what they believe at moments notice.  So, the Christian needs to be ready at all times.  That means we are in the Word and know what it says.  That means we are full of the Holy Spirit and actually doing what he instructs us to do.  That means we pray without ceasing for those around us and those afar because we believe that the "feverant prayer of the righteous avails much" and comes to fruition sooner or later.  The Christian can be anything from a snow flake or a blizzard with the mind of Christ living in their lives but only if the Holy Spirit is allow to be present in leading us in God's most perfect way.  When we listen to the world and skip school, skip work and skip the Christian mandate to go and make disciples, we have successfully been unsuccessful.  Remember that this is all about choices of listen to God or listening to the world.  It's always your choice.

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