Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christian New Year's resolutions.

     We have an opportunity to make the new year a great year or we can do the same old thing expecting different results.  The Christian is called to make a new day's resolution every day with our confession that we die so that Christ can live in us.  That's not what a new year's resolution should be.  We are called to be his people every day.  So, what's so important about New Year's Day and the resolutions we make?  If you, like me, have a history of making and breaking resolutions then this may help.  Don't make any resolutions that would be self centered.  They will be broken.  Anytime we focus on ourselves we are unable to focus on Jesus.  When we focus on Jesus we are rendered incapable of focusing on self.  There might be a clue there.  Do you remember the last time you resolved to lose weight, get more exercise, clean your room, and the list could go on?  So, I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore that are self centered.  God has a way of taking care of our focus when we take care of His focus.  If my eyes are stayed on Jesus, then they can't be stayed on me.  Mankind cannot have a dual focus unless their relationship with Jesus isn't.  It's that simple, don't make it complex.
     So, here is a list of suggestions from God himself.  The Ten Commandments or the Beatitudes would be a great place to start.

     1.  Love God.
     2.  Love others.
     3.  Love the lost.
     Now, wasn't that simple?  This morning I read Isaiah 58 and learned (again) what true fasting means.  If you haven't read this Scripture, I urge you to do so.  The "fasting" God speaks of isn't abstaining from food.  Nor is it the world's take on staying away from this or that for specified times or places.  I have read the Scripture for some 45 years.  Today was different.  I have been uncomfortable with the fasting concept for some time because we have commercialized the concept and focused on our status instead of God's status.  Putting our agenda first instead of His agenda.  How do we do the above 3 resolutions?  Isaiah 58 tells us.  We are to deny self, give to those in need, cloth the naked, feed the hungry, bring the Message of salvation to those who don't know and repeat.  Other than the homeless I don't know of anyone in my circle that couldn't give up the excess of their closets.  Other than the orphan and the widow I don't know anyone in my circle that couldn't give up food in their cupboard or room in their homes.  Other than the lost, I don't know anyone in my circle that can't give away their faith in Jesus. 
     When we love God, others, and the lost, we make a difference.  When we "play" at religion we make no difference at all.  When we make excuses we aren't serving Jesus but self.  When self is exalted God cannot be.  It's a big choice.  Most people I know have learned that resolutions are made daily.  Jesus commanded it and Paul made an example of this command with "putting on Christ" as the way of life.  This year make the decision to love God in his way as your resolution.  Reject what the worlds influence is and concentrate on the above 3.  In this way God will bless others and you overflowing.  It's always your choice.

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