Thursday, December 1, 2016

Be careful someone's listening

     A recent news article exposed that Chinese made cell phones had a nice package inside that shipped your information to China without your knowledge.  The movement towards socialism has taken the medical area by storm as an information collecting tool for the government.  Nothing you have or are involved in is hack proof.  Let's face it, there's someone listening to you, someone reading what you write (maybe they read this!), and someone reporting what they find to someone.  Nothing is really secret unless you keep it in your heart and head.  Nothing.  Imagine, if you will, a world where all of our thoughts are spoken out loud without your consent.  Would we try to discipline what we think about?  Would we become recluses and hid away from society as well as family?  It's a crazy part of being human in the 21st century.  This is a radical world the Christian is living in.  What goes on in private is used against you as well as that which is displayed in public.  There are groups that "look" for anything to discredit Christians.  If they look into my life they could see all the sins I've committed since becoming Christian.  If someone was listening to your life, what would they hear?  The Bible tells us that what we think, say and do comes from the heart of the Christian.  What's in your heart?
     Guilt by association is a huge weapon for those who want to see your downfall or the failure of your venture.  Take the couple that help people buy houses in Waco, Texas.  They then fix them up to give people their dream home.  The series has been highly successful and they have grown in popularity.  Suddenly they are exposed as Christian!  I knew it a long time ago.  That's part of why I watch the show.  Unable to find something wrong with them personally, the enemy sought to find something, anything to discredit the Christian man and woman.  Their church has a belief that is contrary to what the rest of the world thinks.  So, the guilt by association situation has risen for them.  No one is looking at their relationship with Christ.  They seem to only look for something that shows that as Christian they are at odds with special groups of the world.  When did it become so wrong to be a person who belongs to Christ?  Actually, that happened in the first century and has been going on ever since.  Political correctness has become the guide of the masses and your and my belief had better get in line with the world or else!  To which I tell the world "Give it your best shot." 
     It's my prayer and hope that true Christians are being listened to.  That the love, grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ is being heard by countless men and women who are listening to you and I wherever we live, work or worship.  We can't be found in the situation where we are schizophrenic and live part of our life in the world and the other part in Christ.  Yet, that's exactly what so many Christians do.  Jesus said that if you and I are ashamed of him, that he doesn't know us.  My paraphrase.  How can he and the world see who we are in Christ if we continue to bow to the demands and concerns of the world.  Christianity is offensive to those who are perishing.  It's the nature of the beast.  Crowds around the US can protest the election results and the world rushes to reassure them that they are damaged by the outcome in some way.  There is no Scriptural foundation that says I need to join with those who are acting contrary to what citizens of the US are obligated to act per the constitution.  There is Scriptural foundation for you and I to do what is right in the eyes of God in all areas of our lives.  IF we do that we will be contrary to what a huge portion of the world and some Christians profess.  Be contrary anyway.  Let them listen to Christ through you and I.  It's always your choice.

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