Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve of destruction!

     What?!  Yes, we are on the eve of Christmas and the eve of destruction.  Your response is requested by the Lord of the universe and the Lord of life.  You can be active in both and cause celebration in heaven!  What on earth are you going to do that could cause such an uproar by the heavenly hosts?  Christmas Eve is all about the coming destruction wrought by God by the birth of Jesus.  After all he did say that he would destroy the temple.  He did throw the money changers from the entrance to the temple.  He did upset the Jewish world with his salvation to you and I.  How much more destruction can there be?  Lots!  Jesus fulfilled over 600 prophecies between his birth and his resurrection.  Not bad!  The biggest of which is bringing salvation to all who believe.  Here's part of the picture.  The salvation that God offers requires belief in his Son, Jesus.  By no other name may man be saved.  That's Scripture.  Listen to it.  Those who do not know the Son, the Father doesn't know.  How sure are you that you are known by the Father?  Many who profess Jesus as Lord aren't saved and will spend eternity in hell.  Why?  Because Christmas Eve was and is the eve of destruction.  What the world perceived and what the world rejected continues to today with men and women and children who are not believers.  Eternity in hell  is an eternity of destruction.
    "What a happy subject you present today!" you say.  Yes, it's happy if we are in touch with what the Bible says.  Only those who look back, look to idols, look to false gods, look to society or themselves for salvation are unhappy.  Blessed are those who hear the Word of God.  Rejected are those who reject God.  It's of their own doing.  We don't participate in the destruction if we are believers.  The unbelieving bring about this destruction all by themselves.  God has given ALL free will to be exercised in all things here on earth.  The greatest choice is to acknowledge whether Jesus or you are the God of your world.  That's what the birth of Christ marked for mankind.  The birth of Jesus marked a choice for all the world to choose destruction or eternal life.  There is no other choice.  Believing in any other way than Jesus is self deception.  Remember that in being self deceived you need only convince one person...yourself.
     Want to water down the Gospel so that you feel good?  Welcome to destruction.  Want to alter the Bible to mean what you mean instead of what God means?  Welcome to destruction.  Choose to not celebrate the life we can choose with Jesus?  Welcome to destruction.  What's worse is we are teaching others and OUR children that destruction isn't so bad.  Really?  Knowing you are sending your children, spouse, friends, and others to hell isn't so bad?  Welcome to destruction.  You and I cannot escape the fact that much of the world is going to hell.  Further, we are doing little or nothing to change that.  Why is it we alter our beliefs so that others are not uncomfortable?  It's not going to be comfortable in hell.  Choosing to believe any other gospel than the Gospel means you aren't saved.  Period!  Why be part of he destruction when you can be part of the creation by bring Jesus, the only present, to those around you whether you love them or not?  Being saved by Jesus isn't something you can trade for on Craigs List or by online.  Being saved means we use our free will to die to self and then open our lives for Christ to live there.  Totally!  It's all your choice.  It always has been and will be until he returns and revokes the choice we have.  What are you going to do on this eve of destruction? 

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