Saturday, March 26, 2016

Where are the superhero's when you need them?

     Superhero's are the representation of our deepest desire.  We want to be super anything.  Whether it be the front man for a rock group or the perfect dad, we all dream of being "that" person.  We can air guitar all we want or make all the right decisions we can in our parenting and miss the boat.  Every superhero I've ever watched on TV or read about in comic books had two elements that dictated their lives.  The first was a super power and the second was an enemy.  Wait!  I'm half a superhero because I have enemies?  Not that simple.  In order to have super hero status there needs to be a "need" for your particular power.  Secondly there needs to be a threat to a person or segment of humanity that necessitates the super power.  For instance there needs to be an evil action for the super power to overcome.  While each super hero has/had a specific person as an enemy, the evil of that enemy spread to others as well.  Not unlike a leader of a country or the pastor of a church.  The Superhero has one other trait we need to pay special attention to; they are a figment of someone's imagination. 
     When I was a young boy I dreamed of being a spy, a superhero, and other personas that spent their lives saving others from some evil.  Not uncommon for children to do this.  I never dreamed of being an evil superhero.  Just the one who saved humanity from the evil that lurked.  Part of our plight in the superhero arena is our innate need to right wrong.  Some have it and others don't.  Some are intent on the wrong while others are intent on the right.  The fight that began with Adam and Eve continues to this day.  Their boys fought and one killed the other.  How much clearer of an example of good versus bad can you get?  I don't believe that Adam and Eve saw this coming.  Had they seen the potential for one to do in the other they would have stepped in and done something.  We have come a long way from that day and mankind (from the worlds standpoint) has only become worse.  When a woman can be raped on a street in New York City during the daytime while others just watch we have a clue as to how callous we have become.  Instead of being our brothers keeper we have become a people who "don't see, don't hear and don't do" anything.  Where are the superhero's when you need them?
     Superhero's hid their identity in their private lives.  Hiding behind a pair of glasses or a strip of cloth as a mask across their eyes.  When the need arose they stepped into their phone booth and became Underdog!  You thought I was going to say Superman!  Then in quick order they dealt a blow to evil and saved the poor victim(s).  Where are the superhero's?  They are the police, ambulance EMTs, firemen, doctors, nurses, teachers, parents and everyday citizens who DECIDED to DO SOMETHING.  They are hero's.  While we were yet sinners God chose to send his Son to die so that we could have forgiveness of sins.  God chose to become a superhero to mankind.  The difference?  He had always been the superhero, always will be the superhero and evil has been dealt a fatal blow on the Cross and from the Tomb.  Forever.  We are called to be superhero's as believers.  However there is one difference.  The superhero Christ wants us to be isn't a hidden identity even if you are living your life that way.  The superhero for Christ is the superhero for mankind.  You and I cannot function in secret.  We can't hide behind a cape or have a magic rope.  We don't fly (except during the rapture) and we don't ride a surf board on a sea of frozen water.  We go to our work place, have coffee and do our work unto the Lord.  We interact with our neighbors and friends as unto the Lord.  YOU are a superhero!  The world needs you!
     We have superhero's all around us.  Some are visible and others are invisible.  Which one are you?  Are you a superhero for good or for evil?  There are no other choices.  You and I are either for God or against God.  No other choices.  If we are believers we are to pour ourselves out for Jesus to the world we remain a part of.  No other choices.  We are to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, and care for the orphan and widow.  No other choices.  We are to lay hands on the sick and heal the broken hearted.  No other choices.  You and I don't need to make excuses anymore for our lack of use of our superpowers found in Christ and ushered into our lives by the Holy Spirit.  We just need to answer the call.  It's always your and my choice.

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