Saturday, March 12, 2016

I confess, I did it.

     This past week wasn't all that unusual.  I went about my business as usual, made my appointments and interacted with people for business and pleasure.  So, what is it I'm confessing?  Well, I broke the 10 commandments.  All of them.  At least from my heart and mind stance even if my body didn't do anything wrong.  Well, my body did things wrong as well.  So, here is my confession.  I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  I seem to recollect that I did that most every day.  Okay, probably at least a couple of the commandments every day of last week.  They seem to be popping up everywhere.  Even if I were to isolate in my house, not be on the internet and turn off the TV and my phone, the temptation to break a commandment or two seems to haunt me.  Why is that?  Did you do the same thing?  I know that I have been redeemed.  I know that I am saved and will spend eternity in Heaven.  I know that Jesus did all the work so that I could be in this space.  I know that God loves me and provides for all my needs every day, every hour and certainly every moment.  I know all of this and yet...I confess, I did it.
     I could rationalize and justify my choices, thoughts and deeds.  I could but that would be futile.  Therefore I am relegated to summarizing what I feel are the two big issues.  First, I failed to have the relationship with God that he asks me to have with him.  Second, I failed to have the relationship with mankind that God asks me to have with them.  Two failures.  Two confessions.  Twice sinned and twice forgiven.  Thank God!  Realizing that I am a fallen creation would lead me to say, "I can't help it."  That would be a sin and I would have to confess that as well.  Deflecting my plight to "The Devil made me do it." would be a sin and that too would need to be confessed.  Blaming others for my this or that would only be yet another sin which would need to be confessed.  Excusing myself because of my sinful nature is too a plight to be confessed.  What has happened to me since I first gave my life to Jesus?  I know that the process of sanctification has been ongoing but this is crazy.  I've been a Christian since October 1, 1972!  That's a lot of years to have not arrived.  Great!  That reminds me that I have sinned by being judgmental of those who have also not arrived! 
     Paul laments "Those things I know I should do, I do not and those things I know I should not do, I do.  Wretched man that I am."  Paul said that.  Paul, the man of God who was instrumental in spreading the Gospel after his road to Damascus conversion.  Yes, that same Paul.  He would also label himself, "The greatest of sinners."  Suddenly I don't feel so alone.  That doesn't mean I am exempt from trying to be who God wants me to be.  It means I know that I'm not perfect, haven't been perfect and won't be perfect until I pass into Christ's presence.  Neither will you or anyone.  Yet, we have an advocate in Jesus Christ who pleads our case before the throne of God declaring our righteousness won through His work on the cross and his resurrection.  By this I too am crucified (the old man) and am also resurrected (the new man) for His glory.  While I have my confessions to make and forgiveness to seek, I also have successes brought about by God through me when I submit to His will.  I confess, I did that too!

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