Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Sense of humor needed.

     Laughing at yourself and the world you live in sometimes is essential for survival much less thriving.  My sense of humor tends to be dry and sarcastic.  At least I have a sense of humor.  There are those who could really use a bit of help in this area.  I don't think Jesus was serious all the time.  I believe he probably played practical jokes and certainly messed with the religious authorities!  Maybe he even played soccer with the disciples or the children that hung around.  All of life is NOT serious.  There is a time for seriousness and a time for silliness.  Okay, that's not necessarily Scriptural.  However, it is true.  There are Christian comedians who serve the Lord in that capacity.  Some are funny and serve a plate of pointed truth to those listening.  Some are serious and cause us to wonder if they are talking about us or someone else.  Regardless, we as people, tend to take ourselves more seriously than we should. 
     My dad smoked these awful smelling cigars.  We couldn't escape their smell if we were around him.  One day my oldest brother, Chuck, took one of his cigars and planted a firecracker in the end of the cigar.  We were laughing before he finished the job!  Sure enough my dad took the cigar and headed out the door to take a truck full of wheat to town.  It wasn't more than 15 minutes later the truck came roaring back into the yard and my father stomped inside of the house.  His cigar splintered like some cartoon and obviously missing a big chunk of the end.  He still had it in his mouth and all any of us could do was laugh!  Years later, and even today, I realized the danger we put in motion with the prank.  It didn't stop my dad from smoking cigars but certainly gave us something to laugh about.  I wouldn't recommend any of you reading this to do this to someone you know.  It was and is dangerous.  BUT it was funny!
     Some of the funniest things that have happened to me have been in private.  No one knows of them and that's the way it will be.  Some, however, are public knowledge.  I remember the first time I prayed with my friend Adrian.  He was a great guy and taught me a lot about God and approaching him in prayer.  Adrian opened the prayer time by telling God a joke and then laughing out loud for a short time.  I was in shock!  Then I laughed with and at Adrian.  Why not tell God a joke?  He wants to be part of ALL of our life and not just segments.  I remember praying with kids when I taught Sunday school to 5 and 6 year olds.  One little boy was thanking God for helping him when he said, "Thank you God for helping shut up my pooper when I was sick."  Not a dry adult eye in the room!  His sincerity was overwhelming.  He meant it and God heard it.  To them it wasn't a laughing matter.  To us adults in the room it was hilarious! 
     You don't need to have the dramatic to the mundane to enjoy life.  You need a sense of humor when the moment is right.  That same sense of humor must be kept in check when the time and situation isn't right.  Knowing the difference and applying tact is something that requires Christian maturity.  I know God has a sense of humor because he created quirks in my personality that continually entertain him.  I'm sure the Godly chuckle has been heard many times amongst the heavenly host. "Steven, Steven, Steven!  Aren't you ever going to learn?"  and, "I hope not!"  God wants me to entertain and to be entertained.  He wants me to see the funny as well as the serious as part of the wonderful life he has given to all of us.  Laugh a little!  It too is a choice.

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