Sunday, March 13, 2016

It's all about focus and surrender.

     Focusing on surrender is a difficult feat to accomplish in this world where we are taught, encouraged and even expected to be individuals working our own will amongst a world trying even harder to control us.  One of the chief complaints of the world at the time of Christ was all the laws that governed the Jewish people.  When Jesus was born, lived, was crucified and risen from the dead the Bible tells us that he "fulfilled" the law.  The rules had come to rule the people instead of people choosing to let God rule their lives.  The obvious problem that came about was a rebellion against the "organized" religion of the day that continues into our century.  Legalism wasn't something meant for mankind.  It's something that mankind invented to place people under control of religion, government and tyrants.  Disobey the law and you will be punished.  Our society today is so controlled with laws that we are regulated until death.  Oh, wait, after death as well.  Where does the Christian fall into this legalism and control?  Why do people want to control what other people think, say and do anyway?
     The golden rule for the modern day is, "he who had the gold makes the rules."  Now, depending on what your "gold" is, you may be the one making the rules or the one subjugated to the rules.  It's not healthy to really be in either camp as a Christian.  Here's why.  We weren't created to be in that place.  We were created to be free.  Simple enough.  What we have today is a controlled freedom that actually is no freedom at all.  Let me give you an example.  I was in a group counseling session inside a state prison.  No, I wasn't the prisoner!  The group informed me they didn't like me.  Okay.  They told me that before help could come they could kill me.  They didn't see the chance of being released anytime soon anyway.  So, I told them that they couldn't kill me.  After the pregnant pause I was informed that they could in fact do the job.  I explained to them that my life wasn't confined to here in this room, and that I had a destination where I would be totally free.  I explained that their killing my body actually released me from my prison to be with Jesus.  They were dumbfounded.  I had taken away their power to rule and control.  That's what we were created to be.  Sojourners passing through this world on our way home to be with Jesus.
     As I explained yesterday I don't always surrender and my focus isn't always on what I should have done and who I should have been serving.  Focus and surrender are tied together but put in reverse order of importance.  My surrender allows God to have his focus in my life.  When that occurs, it's no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me.  Thus I am free in Christ from all the confines of earthly law.  If I obey God I automatically am in line with all that is right.  The two commands are only applicable if we choose them.  Choosing to surrender to God and then living that life allows us to be free.  When we are free, we cannot contain the blessings of God.  When we cannot contain the blessings of God we are able to have God bless others through our surrendered lives.  When that happens our world becomes his world and is transformed into all that is good and right.  Keep in mind that I'm talking about our individual lives and not something corporate where others are involved.  Satan is the god of this world and holds captive so many who impose his laws upon all who do not have Christ as their life. 
     When I choose to focus on Christ and what he wants in my life I have no time to look at others lives and mandate their change and adherence to the Bible and Jesus.  When I choose to submit myself to God and leave my life at the foot of the cross, I can live what Christ wants m e to live.  But what about....?  Yes, there are all kinds of distractions.  What I'm trying to say today is that my life should not be defined by a group of people who may or may not have a relationship with Jesus.  Our whole social media focus is on why people aren't like me and how they can be like me so that I don't feel insecure.  Jesus says life is all about our death and his resurrection in our lives so that it is he who lives in us.  Social media purports to control and contain us while Jesus offers freedom to us.  Big differences.  We choose that which we decide to serve.  Many go to church because they HAVE to.  Many go to Wednesday night services because they are expected to.  Many read their Bibles, pray and even go door to door because their church compels them to.  Masses of people worship in a particular manner with particular beliefs in particular buildings because they have been raised or chosen to operate within that stereotype. 
     It's all about focus and whom is up to you.  You are faced with only two choices which should make the decision easy.  It doesn't.  The choice is Jesus or Satan.  That's it.  One brings freedom while the other brings imprisonment.  Remember that when you decided to do this or that.  Remember that when you choose to not do this or that.  When you teach your children or people in your churches to do this or that understand the implications of your choices.  It's all your choice just as it is mine.

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