Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Distractions in our lives

     With the choices we make in our lives we either increase or decrease the number of and power of the distractions that pull our attention off Jesus and what he wants us to be in the world we are living in.  The Bible is clear on the stand we need to take and be called a follower of Christ.  I won't take the time to rehash some of those points.  It's simple.  Be Christ to the world.  When we look at that command our first impulse is to say, "Yes, I can and am doing that."  What we don't see or pay attention to is how we are portraying the world to Christ in our lives.  It's not a matter of works as works don't do anything to save us.  It's not a matter of obedience to the laws as the laws don't save us.  It's not even a matter of association with other Christians as association doesn't save us.  It's a matter of what we present to the world from our hearts.  Do we have Jesus as our heart or don't we.  It's a simple question.  Yes, we do.  No, we don't.  Simple answers.  Are we having to think about where, when and how we present Jesus to our world?  Then we might not have his heart in us. 
     With all the talk of nature versus nurture the point is missed that we live in a world that influences all of humanity.  The messages we receive from conception (yes, in the womb) till our death are implanted on our being.  We in turn share those messages and sometimes modify them to those who are around us.  They in turn take those messages and sometimes modify them and share them with their world.  With humanity this is the old game where we whisper a sentence to the person next to us and that sentence is passed on to the end of the line where it's altered nature is revealed.  For the person who puts on Christ, the message received is the same as the message at the end.  Big difference.  With the changing of times Jesus remains the same as does his message.  Make disciples of all men.  Care for the orphan and widow.  Give to those in need.  Be merciful to all mankind.  The messages are all the same from October 1, 1972 until present for me.  That's when I gave my heart to Jesus.  Granted, I haven't always repeated those messages lest I be seen as the hypocrite that I am. 
     Sole focus (soul focus as well) is having a mindset where that mindset is centered and operates from that particular point we hold.  What has happened and continues to happen in the Christian community is our beliefs are changed to accommodate thoughts and beliefs of others.  Don't be offensive or different.  Go along with the crowd.  Don't make waves.  You get the point.  We cow down to whatever force is greatest.  Whether we believe TV is harmless or not, whether we believe that "white lies" are okay or not, or whether we believe we can be in the world and of the world all play a part in whether or not we have given our heart to Jesus and have his instead.  We find ourselves saying what we believe (watered down sometimes) but not living what we believe because it would cost us too much!  Instead of telling the truth even when it's inconvenient, we lie, fudge, alter, juxtapose, or ignore the truth.  We fill our minds from what the world has instead of filling our minds with the things of God.  Think not?  What do you "have to" watch on TV?  Survivor, football, baseball, the Bachelor, numerous violent shows, and whatever else the "tube" has to give?  Your lives show what goes in comes out.  What you have in your heart is what you live in your life.  The same goes for me. 
     We teach our children that some lies are okay.  Like Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.  Like the Easter bunny.  Maybe you think these are harmless.  The idea of Santa Claus, the idea of the Easter bunny, the idea of the tooth fairy and other myths aren't what's so bad.  What is bad is that we tell our children that these are fact when in fact they are not.  As our children grow and mature they learn we lied to them.  What else did we lie to them about?  Did we lie about the baby Jesus in the manger, the flood, the exodus from Egypt, the resurrection, the rapture?  If they decide to not believe in Santa Clause because he doesn't exist will they do the same with Jesus?  Will they choose to believe that Christianity is something that is defined by what they like better than Jesus?  Will they see that work, sports, drinking, drugs and other "pleasures" of the world are more important than being saved?  How about our relatives who are watching us after we profess Christ?  How about our neighbors and even our enemies?  Will they see the way we live and see Jesus or will they see the words we said but don't live?
     There are distractions from Jesus in this world.  It's all a distraction if you and I choose to engage them and disengage from Jesus.  After all, it is our choice.  The salvation of others depends on our choices.

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