Saturday, March 5, 2016

Bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, toast, coffee and orange juice.

     For many this is the perfect weekend breakfast.  I say "weekend" because during the work week there seems to be little time to enjoy the luxury of preparing and leisurely eating this breakfast.  Sometimes we dream of this breakfast as we plow through our Poptart on the way through yet another demanding drive to work.  Relishing the thought might even give rise to your mouth watering even as you are reading this.  It is for me!  I don't know that this will become a reality for today even though it's Saturday and I've nothing planned.  As we reflect on what we "may" have in our day we should also reflect on the rest of the picture as well.  This morning I watched the pre-dawn begin to light up the eastern sky.  The light lessened briefly before the sunrise and now my back yard is bathed in wonderful sunlight!  The birds have come awake and are beginning to feel on the worms and insects on the lawn.  This is their best dream breakfast!  My dogs are snoring and the house is quiet.  I've already had a large cup of fresh ground coffee and read my Bible.  My day has begun blessed.  Being that, I felt the need to pass on this blessing to you.  Yes, breakfast sounds great!  Wish you were joining me.
     There were disciples off shore in a boat when they saw a man on the shore.  The man told them where to cast their nets and they were overwhelmed with the fish.  Once to shore Jesus cooked them breakfast of fish over a fire.  Nothing us.  I don't know what if any seasoning they had available.  It doesn't matter.  Though the food must have been great and their stomachs filled, the fellowship and blessing of the Son of God tending to the disciples must have overwhelmed them.  We tend to overlook the blessing we can be to others and have been brainwashed into believing that we should leave the blessing of others to God or his pastors and leaders in our churches.  Sometimes it's the grunt in the front line who does the most, best and only blessing to others.  They usually are so intent on blessing others that they don't think about themselves.  AND that is when the greatest of blessing comes to them.  Unselfish DOING to and for others isn't something to be taken lightly because it's Christ doing it through you and I.  We are the front line for Jesus whether we are at work, play or enjoying a wonderful breakfast at home. 
     It only takes a moment in traffic watching a homeless person diving into a fast food trash can to awaken us to the want in the world.  But are we changed?  Are we challenged?  Are we thankful?  Are we going to continue to observe and not do anything.  Even as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to me.  I am so blessed!  Though I try to make all of my life available to Christ for his use in his ministry in the life he has given me, I fail.  Taking things for granted is a common mistake for all of mankind.  That includes both the believer and the unbeliever.  For when we take things for granted our thankfulness goes out the window.  When we aren't thankful, we are selfish and want, want, want.  When we want we fail to see that our needs have been met.  Having failed to see that our needs have been met out faith dwindles and in time grows dim.  When our faith goes, so does our witness of the greatness of God to the world through us.  He made the pig that brought the bacon, the chicken that brought the eggs, the land that grew the potatoes and wheat as well as the coffee and the oranges for the orange juice.  He did that!  Not me, not you, not anyone else.  God did that! 
     I will have breakfast in a bit.  It will nourish me.  I will be blessed.  In turn I will do whatever I can to share the blessing onto others.  It may be a friendly wave to the neighbor, a chuckle at a joke I've already heard, or just a listening ear to the lady who is having a difficult day and locked her keys in her car.  My AAA can help there!  You too can be a blessing whether you have a full breakfast, coffee and toast, or a protein drink.  The blessing is first realized in that you have breathed in once more, opened your eyes once more, and been rested once more...all for Him.  Be breakfast to someone else today.  It's always your choice.

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