Friday, March 25, 2016

Danger lurks around every corner!

     Danger manifests itself in different ways for different people.  I live in an area where there are two specific danger spots way to close to my house.  The first is a smoked meat/sausage business (home style).  Just driving by makes even the stoutest of hearts want to make a left turn, go in and sin.  The aroma is incredible and the food even more so.  Problem is I go by there at least 3 times a week.  Most of the time I can resist the temptation.  BUT there are times when I just give in and enjoy.   And it's okay.  That kind of danger isn't so terrible.  However, there is a second danger near my home as well.  It's a produce farm that has it's own bakery.  The pastries are incredible.  On Thursday through Sunday they have fresh hot apple fritters all day long!  Drive past there and dare not to stop!  The other pastries are just as dangerous.  Their honey soaked bran muffins with butter are incredible as are their pecan and walnut cinnamon rolls.  They are huge and so tasty!  If I wasn't typing this blog I might just go and get some right now!  Danger is definitely just around every corner.
     It would be absolutely great if these were the only dangers in my life.  They are not.  I doubt they would be for you as well.  Dangers aren't just physical or emotional.  They can be spiritual as well.  We often focus on the dangers of sin in our relationship with Jesus.  That's good.  He's not just around the corner and isn't a danger at all.  He's right there beside you and I as we traverse our day.  My penchant for wood working, working on my car and truck, and using my power tools puts me in danger as well.  I usually have at least 2 or 3 cuts or bruises that are at some stage of healing.  Even when I cook danger exists.  Understand that I'm 62 and have been doing "life" for a long time.  The dangers haven't changed and in some sense have become more intense and deadly.  Take my phone for instance.  I used to be happy with the one hanging on the wall with a rotary dial and a cord.  It did what I needed it to do.  My son recently gifted me a new cell phone that does everything.  Not good for a tech challenged person as myself.  In order to adjust to the new dangers of the programs and such I need to be able to learn.  I'm not good at learning some things.  New technology is one of them.  I get kidded from a lot of people about the dangers that lurk around every corner in my life.
     There are times and places where the Christian has to face the dangers and even look for the dangers around them.  As a dad, I try to keep my interest in my kids lives on alert for nuances in their lives that spell pending danger or danger already in progress.  It's not just my job, it's my responsibility to point out the danger even at the risk of offending them or closing a door to an area of their lives.  This goes for my friends as well.  Christian friends and non-Christian friends alike are in need of our entering into the danger zone that lurks around the corners in their lives as well.  It was a common element at the beginning of human history and has only become more complex with the advancement of society and it's complex nature.  The most intense danger in our Christian society today is apathy.  Not caring whether someone hears the Gospel or not.  Not caring whether someone (Christian and non) wrecks their lives or the lives of those who love them.  Apathy is a danger that lurks around everyone's corner.  Our world is evidence of apathy being encouraged.  It's none of my business.  It's none of your business.  It's none of anyone's business.  Wrong!  We are our brother's keeper.
     The world sees Christianity as a danger to their way of life.  The Christian should see the world as a danger to their way of life.  The two cannon co-exist as some would like.  What you do with the danger that lurks around your corners of life is extremely important to not only yourself but also to those around you.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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