Sunday, November 22, 2015

What does and doesn't REALLY matter?

     For the Christian you would think this is an easy question.  Our faith comes to mind first.  Our faith is the basis of our hope and salvation.  But, do we, in our own little worlds really believe that our faith does or doesn't matter.  I once read this statement: "If being a Christian was a crime for which you could be tried and sentenced; would there be enough evidence to convict you."  While I would hope that would be true for all Christians, I know that I along with all Christians have fallen short of being found guilty.  For instance, ask yourself if there was anything you thought, said or did that could be used against you in a court of law?  Was there any incident where you could have been immediately arrested for the crime of being a Christian?  This scenario is a clear example of our relationship with God.  Do we, by calling ourselves Christian, find ourselves in such a place that we stick out like sore thumbs?  When people examine my life in comparison to my claims I'm sure there have been plenty of times that "not guilty" would have sadly been the court decision.  It's not that I outright said that I didn't believe; because I did believe.  It's not that I even hinted that I had fallen back into old sinful behavior; though I had done so on many occasions. 
     What does and doesn't really matter in my life?  The answer is quite simple really.  God matters.  He matters so much to me that I engage life with the challenge to be better, be more, and be abandoned to God.  But does society, social circles, friends, relatives or even my home church see enough of Jesus that I would be convicted of the crime of being Christian?  Outside of God all these people or groups won't be judging me.  They only see what I want them to see.  God sees what is inside of me, my intents, my decisions, my sin.  God sees all of  me and STILL chooses me!  He has seen not only what I've done in the past, that which I am doing in the present but also everything I will do and not do until the day I die.  Living in a fallen world is not an excuse to be whom God wants me to be.  Knowing that people are deceived by all kinds of false religions doesn't give me permission to deceive and sin.  Believing that I am no worse than some nor better than others has nothing to do with how God sees me.  What matters most in my life?  I'd love to say with 100% sincerity that Jesus is what matters most.  My life definitely says that I live less than that amount for Jesus.
     My two friends, rationalization and justification, are determining factors in my Christian life.  They aren't really friend most of the time.  They hold a dual relationship with me.  They help determine what does and doesn't really matter.  As with all of humanity my "thinking" is what gets me into the most trouble.  Relying on the old man within me when I think only gets me deeper into my lack of living for Jesus.  Yet, that is exactly what Christians do.  We take that life we have given to Jesus and then through rationalization and justification (we are intelligent humans) determine that we are wiser than Jesus to run our lives.  And so we run our lives (and others lives) right into the ground.  When we come to the end of ourselves, like the prodigal son, we return to the Father who is waiting for our return.  There is much rejoicing in heaven when we return to Jesus.  What matters most in our lives?  Jesus.

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