Friday, November 6, 2015

Remedies for a sore neck.

     It's Friday.  For most it's the end of the work week.  Others have different Friday's that they breathe a breath of air at the end of.  It's not that any particular day in and of itself is bad or horrible.  Some may be disagreeing right now so give me a bit of grace so I can explain what I'm talking about.  Friday signifies the end of the work week and the beginning of the weekend.  During the week we go about our business of getting up, getting coffee, getting into traffic, getting to work, getting through work, getting off work and getting home.  Did I miss anything?  We tire from all of it.  We tire from having to look over our shoulder to make sure that we aren't being watched by the boss.  We tire from the person who comes quietly into our cubicle and scares the crap out of us.  We tire of the repetitive work that seems to go nowhere.  We tire of the hassles our kids are having, our wives are having and our friends and relatives are having.  By the time Friday comes around we want to sink into our easy chair and zone out.  BUT the ceiling in the den needs painting.  So we get out the needed items and paint the ceiling.  That's when the sore neck really sets in.  It's not that we didn't have a sore neck from working during the week.  It's because we are able to relax and the sore neck hits us. 
     The problem with a sore neck begins a long time before we actually have the "incident" that takes us to the aspirin bottle.  We need to recognize that most sore necks (and other physical and mental maladies) are preventable.  When we prepare ourselves our chances of sore necks is greatly reduced.  Metaphorically, our sore neck is our sorry spiritual health.  When we prepare ourselves as God wants us to do, our sore neck never seems to materialize.  Life is good and we are happy.  Focus on the first cause brings about the second cause.  The first cause is having a right relationship with Jesus.  The subsequent secondary cause is that we are able to see that he is always taking care of us.  This should cause us to seek the first cause even more so that our peace of heart and mind can grow.  Focus on knowing Jesus through the Word and prayer keeps us on that track.  Now don't get me wrong; we will have trials and temptations.  How we handle them indicates whether or not we will be in need of treatment for a sore neck.  Should we bring our needs to Jesus and the body of Christ, we will be addressing the issues as they come up.  Those who don't read their Bible, don't pray or even don't know Jesus cannot sense this relief from a sore neck.  Keep yourself away from church and the picture of a sore neck is complete.
     There are people who have genuine reasons for ongoing sore necks physically that spiritually have no soreness at all.  There are people who go around looking for something to have a sore neck about and seeking same find it.  The one have peace and the other lack peace.  We determine where on the continuum between the two we reside.  For me, the wrestling is a daily process.  When I begin my day with the Word, with Jesus and with prayer; my day always goes better.  The chances of a sore neck go down significantly.  Now don't get me wrong, I can be the real pain in my neck!  I bring things upon myself and then wonder what am I doing.  Taking the time to go back to the simple formula of focus on Jesus is the only answer.  Drugs, alcohol, massages, sleep, food and other substitutes come up but rarely give us the relief we really desire.  Knowing Jesus, knowing what the Bible says and knowing we are just a prayer away from relief is the only answer.  It's still nice to have my neck rubbed, a hot shower, relax in my easy chair and turn on the boob tube for a bit from time to time.  I don't like it when my neck is sore and neither do you.  Why don't we do something positive for a change and let God take care of the sore neck problem?

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