Sunday, November 15, 2015

Christ living in me in spite of me.

     Ever feel this way?  You sit down with your morning coffee and wonder just what does God see in you that he would even think about using you?  We may even be able to articulate why we think or feel that way.  At least we have our coffee to sip while we contemplate.  There have been plenty of times when people around me would certainly question if Christ resides in me.  I'm a sinner.  No excuse.  I make mistakes.  No excuse.  I'm not perfect.  No excuse.  That's what the world thinks.  What does Christ think?  The Bible tells us that he has been tempted in all ways that we are tempted.  The Bible says that he knows our every thought and deed both past and future.  The Bible says that in spite of what he knew and knows that he still chooses to reside in me.  Wow!  I don't know about you but that says an awful lot about the grace extended to me.  The Creator God has chosen to reside in me in spite of me.  The Lord Jesus chooses to work his will in my life and in the lives of those who have chosen Him as their Savior.  All of this in spite of the mistake I made yesterday, the promise I forgot yesterday, the missed moment of yesterday.  Wow! 
     Why?  Why would the God of love seek to use me?  Because he can use anyone, anywhere, anytime.  There is no where in the Bible where it is promised that if you choose Jesus that you will be, need to be, or become perfect.  No where.  Not once.  To achieve that state we need to pass from this world into his presence and I'm not ready to do that.  God can use my failure just as easy as he can use my successes.  My children watch me as do others in my life.  They are wanting to see if I live out what I believe.  When I fall or fail they are there to see that part of me just as they can see when I succeed.  In the case of where I succeed, they see that I've taken and applied what I believe to that inner core of my life.  In the case where I fail, they see that I've work to do.  My response to both success and failure determines where I go from here.  It would be nice to be a success for Jesus all the time.  That's not what he asks of me or you.  He asks that we be willing.  When we are willing he can turn successes and failures into a means to glorify him.  Should we be humble and exercise humility in BOTH situations; we are telling the world that Jesus is the Lord of ALL of our life.  He can and does use both my successes and my failures to show those around me that grace extends to all.
     The world says, "He says he is a Christian and then he...."  You can fill in the blank.  Most of us have said those words ourselves.  We even justify using that statement.  What we do then in condemn and not love.  Yes, we are to approach one another and edify Christ.  That means in HIS love confronting sin and complimenting the same time.  You will never, as a Christian, find Jesus condemning us.  He will correct us.  He will instruct us.  He will encourage us and he will sustain us...even when we aren't what we need to be.  Christ living in me in spite of me.  Christ living through me in spite of me.  Christ reaching the world through a fallen creature named Steve Hawley.  That's what this is all about.  It's not about me "arriving" but rather me being a train picking up strays along the way to heaven.  There is no one who has lived sinless.  Not one.  All need the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.  All who call upon the name of Jesus will be saved.  Not through me.  Through Jesus.  Not with my wisdom but by his Holy Spirit.  Not by my sinning but in spite of my sinning.  This is not license to sin.  This is removing the excuse that it's not my job to reach the world for Jesus.  He works in spite of you and he works in spite of me.  When we are in right relationship he works even better.  Unlike me, Jesus never fails.  Thank you Jesus for loving ALL of me.

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