Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one.

     Maybe you do as well.  Sometimes adhering to your beliefs leaves you out in the cold alone and wanting.  There are all kinds of compromises we make on a daily basis that do not reflect the Word of God.  Sometimes it's just the little stuff.  Like, for instance, letting our "no" be "no" and our "yes" be "yes".  We add on things like: "Hell yes!"  or something similar.  Not much attention is given to our swearing but that doesn't mean it's not still swearing.  We are told in Scripture that we will be held accountable for every idle word we speak.  That should cause us some distress.  Actually we should feel convicted and ask for forgiveness for our sin.  Opps!  That's what the Bible calls it...sin.  Not many people who are Christian call our swearing sin.  Yet, that's what it is.  Our media is inundated with swearing.  Even children's shows or family friendly shows are filled with them.  Why aren't we as Christians choosing things filled with Godly principles, language, and lessons?  Maybe we are a bit to comfortable in our sin.  Don't get me wrong.  I too have this problem.  I've been better and I've been worse.  What's the key?  The key is to keep moving forward.  Keep moving upward and to be better because it's Christ who lives within us. 
     Political correctness has smothered consciences worldwide.  People have become so consumed with being "correct" and non-offensive that the stand they take isn't a stand at all.  Going along with the crowd in their sin is nothing more than agreeing with others against God.  Yet, to take the stand for God we need to understand that according to the Bible the Word of God is foolishness to those who are perishing.  We need to understand that at the end of the Beatitudes we are told that should we actually do what God wants we WILL be persecuted.  Our message, God's message, is lost on those who are consumed with perishing.  Should we stand for God we will be excluded from many circles here on earth.  No one wants to be around the righteous when they are still so happy in their sin.  I know that I have been that way when desiring to sin more than to please God.  There is a standard and it's found in the Word.  That standard may not make you popular, may not make you prosperous, may not make you famous, but that standard will carry you day to day with the will of God.  Hearing "well done thou good and faithful servant" is a lot better than being politically correct.  Don't apologize for your faith. 
     Within the Christian community an epidemic problem has been growing.  It's found in the mega churches down to the home fellowships.  That problem has been an attitude of "it's not my job." or "it's not my calling."  Maybe you haven't read the Bible.  Should you be brave enough to do so you will find that you are called and it is your job.  Whether that be cleaning the toilet or preaching from the pulpit, being a Christian is a chosen life.  This is not a union driven world.  Christianity isn't a "take care of yourself first" world.  Nor is it a passive extracurricular activity like the Lions or the Ladies of the Elks.  Being a Christian automatically makes you a member of the Body of Christ.  As members of the body of Christ we should never feel pushed, coerced, prodded, or pulled along with the will of God.  Nor should we be so concerned about our world that we have no time to think about ministry and where we are to be used.  People "disappear" in congregations.  The bigger the congregation, the easier it is to hide.  There are those who do everything (usually about 2 percent) and those who watch everything being done (about 98 percent).  Which percentage best describes your willingness to be an instrument of Christ.  No one can do everything but anyone can do something. 
     Today you and I have choices that will come up every moment of every hour.  Will we choose to be available to God regardless of our desire to do something else?  Will we choose to lay down our life and our rights so that the Kingdom of God can be furthered?  Will we choose or will we simply go on with the life we have been living?  It's all our choice.   

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