Monday, November 16, 2015

Cold mornings, coffee and the world.

     It's cold this morning.  As they would say "back in the day": "there's frost on the pumpkin."  That simply means it's around freezing but not cold enough for a "hard freeze".  It's a signal to bring in from the garden everything that is left before a harder freeze decimates the crop of vegetables.  Of course you can always leave what's there for the deer.  They appreciate that gesture.  When I let the dogs out to go do their thing, the stars were out.  Yep, it was early!  I noticed that from my backyard they were all prominently displayed.  And the clear sky was why there is frost on the pumpkin.  Clouds keep the temperature higher whereas clear night skies tend to bring down the temperature.  Feeling the pulse of nature I went back inside and made coffee.  First things first.  I'm not necessarily a coffee prude where I HAVE to have a certain kind, fresh ground, espresso machine, and etc.  I'm more the kind of stumble getting the coffee machine going, get the cup and sit in my recliner for that first sip.  That's what people did back in the day and also do so today. 
     The world is in a bad way right now.  The increased violence of radical Islam versus the world has created a heightened security among all nations.  The not knowing of when and where they will strike next is of great concern.  But, history repeats itself.  This has been ongoing since Abraham send his wife's maid and his son into the wilderness.  This epic battle has been going on with it's root in hostility of one people against another people though they are blood relatives.  Abraham is the common father of both he Muslims and the Israelites.  The rest of us are just infidels to them.  Non-believers and outsiders.  What's so different today?  The sophistication of weapons, the increased number of warriors (we call them terrorists), and the unrelenting hatred driving the cause all have made this a more complicated world.  Ultimately this war is between the Muslims and the Israelites.  In reality this war is between mankind's idea of good and evil.  Both think the other as evil and themselves as good.  It's easier to just look at mankind being born in sin and driven by evil...all of us. 
     Second cup of coffee in place I'll change direction.  The world doesn't need to be like this.  It's a choice each and every one of us makes.  We choose to feel, believe, think and act as we do.  It's the gift God has given us in practice.  Just not what he wants us to practice.  God would have us be the reflection of his Son Jesus to the world.  We are not doing a very good job of that.  But then we never really have.  The problem is with us and not God.  It is us who choose to love something or someone other than God first.  When we first came to Jesus (assuming you have) our love and thankfulness for salvation was humbling and extremely valuable in our hearts and minds.  As time has gone on for many Christians that first love has diminished and even been replaced with self love instead.  Self love dictates that the world conform to our image whereas the first love of Christ placed us in the desire to be more like Jesus.  Why the difference of  mindset?  Because we all in one way or another want to be the god of our own world.  That's why there are wars and rumors of wars.  That's why so many signs of the return of Christ are being seen.  That's why the increased religious wars are taking place.  All because mankind wants to be god of their own world. 
     Don't give up, don't give in, and don't buy the rhetoric.  The first love you had with Jesus can still be present every day of your life.  It's all about choice of denying self and choosing Jesus.  Today I will try to be more like Jesus.  How about it?  Would you dare to do so also?

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