Friday, July 10, 2015

Why fishing is so good for you!

     When is the best time to fish?  Anytime!  What are the best fish to catch?  Any!  Where is the best place to fish? Safeway!  Fish and fishing are important in the lives of men, women and children.  Everyone can benefit from fishing.  Except the fish.  I once went fishing and used no bait.  Fishing, for me, is therapeutic and thus no need to catch fish.  I go to places where there is no cell phone service on purpose.  No calls to interrupt my solitude or family time.  I DON'T catch and release.  What's the deal with that?  If I catch it, I surely can eat it.  My first fishing experience was with a branch and a line tied to the end of it.  Caught a nice fish and ate it.  No catch and release!  Sometimes you need to camp in a local motel/hotel in order to get to the fishing early.  Maybe even camp is you feel so inclined.  Most people lie about fish they have caught and of course, "the one that got away."  We all know they are lying but let them anyway.  We may need the same tolerance one day as well.
     The "point" of fishing is to do something.  Fishing doesn't have to come to a positive conclusion.  Sometimes you catch the fish and sometimes they catch you.  In either case you're fishing and not working.  We get caught up in the busy lifestyles we have and take little time for rest and relaxation.  We seldom, as people who are on the go, take time for solitude and contemplation.  At 7 in the morning the lake is as smooth as glass.  Your hook and bait gently settle on the water and circles emanate from the impact.  Somewhere a duck quacks and you are impressed by the silence.  We don't get these experiences if we get off work to do work at home or to work on something less fulfilling.  Taking time for yourself, spouse, and or kids is important.  If you are busy and don't take time for them, they will do the same for others.  You've trained them well.  Jesus said, "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men."  Your neighbor, co-worker, friend, or relative needs some time away to understand the complexities of life.  You have the chance to be therapeutic with them while taking care of yourself. 
     Fishing should be interrupted for eating and potty stops.  Case closed.  The rest of the time should be spent sitting on a dock or boat, eating sunflower seeds and waiting for the fish to strike.  There is no need to bring work with you.  You don't have to repair something while waiting for the fish to give in to the bait.  Fishing can happen in other circumstances as well.  Have you ever taken someone to lunch and just laid back and listened?  You were fishing.  Gone to the ball game with your kids and answered their million questions?  You were fishing.  Sat on the patio swing with your important someone and just listened and held them?  Yes, you were fishing.  Read Bible stories to your kids or someone else's kids?  Once again, you were fishing.  Fishing for the Christian is a never ending time of being available to do what God wants, when he wants and how he wants. 
     Today I will go fishing.  It might be out to an appointment or at home doing a chore or project.  However, I WILL go fishing.  Putting one foot in front of the other if need be in order to share the Gospel with anyone and everyone in any number of ways.  Fishing is always positive for the believer.  Jesus went fishing with the disciple!  What a great example. 

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