Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Somewhere between heaven and hell.

     Asking someone how they are is dangerous in more ways than one.  Why do we do it?  Why do we ask people how they are when we don't have any intention of actually waiting for or listening to what they have to say.  While living in Chicago a number of years ago, I was walking down a busy downtown street.  The man coming toward me made eye contact.  So, I said, "Hi, how are you?"  He didn't answer at first but as he passed by me he said, "Do you really mean that?  Do you really care?"  I turned around as he did and now face to face I told him that I did mean it and I would make the time to listen and share.  He simply stated: "I don't believe you." and walked away.  The surprise for me was the confrontation.  The surprise for him was the confrontation.  In the end, neither of us really won or lost.  It's not supposed to be about winning or losing anyway.  I've continued to greet people over the years and have yet to meet another person to confront me.  I've not confronted anyone either.  Senseless statements we make don't necessarily our sincerity toward others.  We are all somewhere between heaven and hell.
     Relationships are very important for everyone whether or not they think so.  Without interaction we all tend to whither and die like perennial plants in the fall.  Real relationships almost never become stagnant or boring.  This begs the question of what we mean by "real" relationships.  What is real?  To use the worlds standard robs believers of what they are supposed to be towards others.  The world teaches us to manipulate and use people for selfish gain.  The worlds standard placed people on different levels which are all below your current station in life.  The worlds standard shows a lack of moral and ethical base.  The worlds standard is bent on consumption for self.  The Christian does not fit in any of those characterizations.  That's if they are truly living a Christian life.  I could simply say all the Christian need do is choose the opposite choice of the world standard.  However, that's not what Jesus would have us do.  The standard God places before us is high.  Not unattainable, but high enough that some just throw up their hands and decide to remain somewhere between heaven and hell. 
     When we live the Biblical definition of being engaged with the world around us we find there are those who hate us and those who love us.  There are also those in various places between those two choices.  It all depends on what we present to these other people.  People everywhere are seeking only three things out of life.  They are seeking love, acceptance and approval.  Yet the Christian who seeks this the most are the very ones who don't give others what they need.  Instead we become judge and jury in determining who and when someone will be awarded our gracious presence in their lives.  What people really want to see and have from the Christian is how we consistently step down and let Jesus live through our lives.  We all wake up and have the choice before us determining whether or not we live our faith.  In the worlds standard there is no desire or need to live one's faith.  In the Christian world it's all about how we live the Christian faith in all that we think, say and do.  We expect this from other believers while not giving to them or back to them.  We end up living somewhere between heaven and hell.

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