Thursday, July 2, 2015

I'm glad you asked!

     With all the sources for information we have available at our fingertips you would think we wouldn't need to ask another human being for their opinion or advice.  Over time we have evolved into a people who don't want to be caught not knowing information that we or someone else might need.  Trivia doesn't count.  I personally don't care how many times a minute a hummingbird's heart beats.  Where once we were without information due to the lack of technology, we now can instantly google anything and within seconds have more information than we planned on getting.  Want to know your family tree?  Same thing.  Fix that broken part on your car?  Same thing.  Understand people...not the same thing.  There comes a time when we don't want the dictionary, google or other search engines answer to our question.  We want flesh and blood that we can physically look in the eye and hear what someone else thinks or feels.  You never hear search engines say, "I don't know, but I will find out."
     As many of you know for years Russian Christians have had to meet underground for fear of arrest and imprisonment.  Because of these rules they were also not allowed to own Bibles.  One church met this problem with an amazing solution.  They divided up the Bible and each person memorized his or her part of the Bible.  They then had the complete Bible right on the tip of their tongues.  Pun intended.  You can't imprison or quiet the tongue.  You can't censor the mind.  Whatever we put into our mind remains there.  That's what this church found out firsthand.  They could have all the information of the Bible personally, face to face, verbally from someone within the community.  Say you wanted to talk about the book of James; go to Ralph at the gas station.  Want information on wisdom; go to Shelly at the library to hear about the book of Proverbs.  This situation also created a communication opportunity for parents of children.  These parents were able to pass onto their children the book of the Bible that was theirs to memorize.
     Jesus used words like, "listen", "hear this", "think on these things", and many more to give us a model for communication as well as learning.  There will always be those around you who do not read, write or even desire to communicate.  Don't let that stop you from doing what God wants you to do.  Rather, immerse yourself in the teaching of the Word so that you can effectively communicate what you know when you are asked.  Don't be afraid of what your hearers will say.  Should they accept what you have to say, you may have saved their lives.  Should they reject what you have to say, you may help them find Jesus anyway.  When we listen to the voice of God through the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Word or some friend, the results are always the same.  You gain wisdom for yourself and those around you.  Prayer and medication combined with reading the Word allow us to bank knowledge and experience.  With this in mind, we are now a tool for the Christian church empowered by God.
     If you have any topic you would like me to write on, please feel free to leave them in the comments box.  I will do my best to provide you with what is in my mind.

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