Monday, July 6, 2015

Maybe it's just me...

     The weekend was long but productive.  Now for the work week.  I feel badly for those of you who aren't retired.  Retirement has it's pains as well.  It would seem that my never ending list of projects and chores continues to grow rather than decrease.  The more I do, the more is added to my list.  My list has about 40 items on it now.  There are enough tasks to keep me busy for the rest of the year!  I'm sure many of you feel that way about work AND home.  Let's complain together and get that out of the way.  There, I feel better already.  My problem is that I seem to forget who I am working for.  I tend to think of what others are expecting of me and what I expect of me instead of what God expects of me.  Ultimately I am working and doing for Christ.  Imagine if you will that Jesus is waiting in the kitchen with coffee (perfect) already brewed and waiting for you.  Any grumbling about that?  Then the two of you get into your car pool and pick up others on the way to work.  What, no grumbling there either?  You get to work and Jesus picks up the paper and makes himself comfortable with a bottle of water in a chair in the corner of your cubicle.  Your boss comes by and introduces himself to Jesus and you cringe.  The cat is now out of the bag.  Maybe it's just me but did you see yourself anywhere in there?
     For most of us the day is filled with others and us.  We tend to be less than what we are designed to be when it's just others and us.  When we are in private, alone, and unleashed, we become different people than the world sees.  We are expected to be cheery to our spouses, children, dogs and cats as well as the neighbor, mailman and whomever else just happens to drop by.  Remember that creep that tailgated you on the freeway?  How about that driver who remained stopped for the green light until it was to late for you to make it through the intersection.  Then you dropped by the grocery store to pick up milk and eggs (called in from your spouse or someone at home) only to find the two items cost most of a $10 bill.  What!  You come home and find the bills stacked in the mailbox and once again there are more than you have money to cover.  Who will get paid this month?  Maybe it's just me but life seems to gang up on me through the day leaving me angry spent and wishing I was living in a remote cabin on 100 acres in Alaska...or Hawaii.  When during the day did I leave Jesus out of my journey?  Would I have acted differently if Jesus had been walking, riding and interacting in person?  I think so.
     While all the above is true, there is a problem in my life.  I sometimes live my life as if Jesus wasn't there with me.  Pretending that he isn't there I can do all the grumbling I want.  Pretending he isn't listening I can say whatever I want.  Pretending he can't see me I can use hand gestures to show people how I feel.  Pretending he isn't there I can take a 45 minute lunch when I'm only allowed 30 minutes.  I may even take a pen home from work or leave 10 minutes early.  What would be my behavior if Jesus was physically walking beside me every moment of every day?  Maybe it's just me but that is very alarming!  Why?  Because my life would need to be changed to reflect my faith.  I make it a habit of praying before meals.  Why do I avoid that act when I am with co-workers out in a busy restaurant?  I try to be kind to people.  Yet, I find myself being unkind in what I think, say and do around others.  Peer pressure is a terrible or great thing depending on who these folks represent.  Run into a church member out in public?  Put on that pretend face and give the greeting that is expected. 
     What would we do if we just acted normal and didn't pretend?  Maybe it's just me...

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