Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What should you do?

     The correct answer is "What is ask Jesus?"  Okay, we're not o Jeopardy.  What do we do when our morals and ethics are not only challenged but trampled on?  How do we conduct ourselves that says we are Christians and not apologetic about that fact?  Should we really care about what others think?  Billy Carter recently said that he thought Jesus would approve of same sex marriages.  That's funny Billy!  That's not what the Bible says. The courts recently told the Christians of the United States that they don't have any right to display their Christian faith in public for fear it would offend some.  That's not what the Bible says we should do.  Sorry!  What do we do when the society we live in takes a stand that we don't agree with?  Like abortion, capital punishment, treatment of children and labor laws, and the list could go on.  Do we just roll over and play dead?  Do we not care and let the world go to hell in a hand basket?  What should YOU do?  I know what I should do and so do you.  The Bible says that the Word is seen as foolishness to those who are perishing.  Do we, as Christians, see the Word as foolishness? 
     Sometimes I am offensive.  There I said it.  It's the truth and I'm not ashamed of that truth.  Sometimes we are to be offensive.  At least that's what the Bible says.  The Bible also goes on to say that we are to be witnesses of our faith and ready to give an answer for the faith that is within us at ALL times.  We are promised by Jesus that when we take a stand for Him and do what we are supposed to do we will be persecuted.  Why would we be persecuted?  Because our testimony of what Christ did for us is offensive to those who are perishing.  They feel guilty and want us to go away.  Be silent.  Tolerate wrong.  Encourage evil.  Do nothing.  That's what it takes for evil to win...for good men and women to simply do nothing when they know what is going on is wrong.  Do we let our kids run out amongst the cars in the street to play kick the can?  No.  Do we encourage our kids to give in to the predator who wants to give them a ride "home"?  No.  Do we stand by and let someone assault our wife or husband?  No.  Then why do we think it's okay to let the world stand there and blast our Christian faith without uttering a single word? 
     It's not my job.  It doesn't affect me.  As long as they leave me alone, I don't care.  They aren't hurting anyone.  I don't want to offend anyone.  WRONG!  It is my job.  It does affect me.  They should interact with me.  I do care.  They can, do and will hurt someone and even me given the chance.  I do want my faith to be offensive.  Jesus did.  The Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.  Do we even care about the perishing?  Do we care if our enemies go to heaven?  How about do we care if our co-workers go to heaven?  Closer still, do we care about our neighbors and their plight for eternity?  Hmmm...closer still, do we care if our relatives go to heaven?  Maybe we should consider whether or not our wives and children go to heaven.  Do we?  What should we do?  What should I do?  What should you do? 
     Do what Jesus asks you to do when and where he asks and in the manner he directs.  He has laid it all out in our user manual the Bible.  If you are too lazy to look it up, just remember to Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself.  It's that simple...and complex.  Don't make it any harder than you have to.  Do what Jesus wants you to do.  Don't do what he doesn't want you to do. 

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