Saturday, July 25, 2015

A war like no other.

     I'm not talking about Armageddon.  Nor am I talking about the ongoing war between liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans.  Neither am I talking about the war between religious groups, their sects and their undeserving targets.  Well, Steve, what is it?  Certainly it's not the war against children's rights, animal rights, or even your rights.  No, it's a war unlike any of these that you and I often ignore and even by proxy take part in.  Here is where I could get funny and talk about the increases of food prices, gas prices, housing and other prices continually on the rise.  That's not the war I want to venture into either.  Many a war comes up that is fought physically, mentally, or even through arbitration.  The war of the networks bring us the wars of the world.  Often the wars are made to be either worse than or better than they actually are just because someone has a higher need.  Wars sell.  Wars spread around the money.  Wars end people's lives.  So what is this ultimate war that I speak of?
     The most important war in your life and in my life is for our soul.  This war is fought in a distinctively subtle and unnerving way.  From the ads we see on television, hear on radio or read about; the war is being forced upon us.  Or is it?  The messages our schools are giving our kids and the kids are giving each other without our so much as saying, "I disagree."  The war is being fought behind closed doors so to speak.  Demons and angels are constantly fighting each other in the spiritual realm in attempts to either exploit or protect.  By the way, angels are the protectors.  The war is launched in the video and other games that are producing billions in profits every year.  Every age is playing and that playing is opening the door for yet another tactic of war for your soul.  Listen to music?  Easy listening, rock, country, jazz, blues, and bluegrass?  The message, if not about Christ, is anti-Christ.  The games, unless about Christ, are anti-Christ.  The books, tapes, video's and other modes of communication are either for Christ or anti-Christ.  We even have subterfuge in what we eat!  Sugar numbs the mind and it's resistance to suggestion and compliance.  Caffeine has us addicted to unnatural means of staying awake and producing.  Fad diets have us focused on what is wrong with God's creation rather than what is right.  Did I mention our hair?  Guess I don't need to.
     What goes into the person comes out of the person.  Crimes romanticized, sex selling everything, violence made impersonal, death not meaning anything until it happens close to home.  Gangs and other criminals intercepting lunch money and drug shipments.  Yes, these are all part of the war for the soul.  "He was such a good boy."  Really?!  Why was he shooting at police when they shot and killed him then?  He was under the influence of something other than Christ.  He or she was lost in the war for the soul.  I read an article years ago about a supreme court ruling in the State of Washington.  The ruling stated that it is not illegal for politicians to lie because that is part of who they represent themselves to be.  When a nation of good people sit by and do nothing, evil triumphs.  We have an epidemic of the sorts not seen for ages in our cultures around the world that is violent and destructive even to the slaughter of millions.  Yet, the good people do nothing.  No, that's not true.  They do something.  It's just called "nothing."
     I'm thankful that my kids know Jesus.  This makes the war both harder and easier for them.  The harder part is now they are individual targets.  The easier part is they recognize the real enemy and can make choices that leave Jesus in charge and the angels to fight the war for them.  This doesn't excuse them from making good judgments.  I've been a Christian since 1972 and still make bad judgments.  This war isn't about yesterday.  It's not even about tomorrow.  This war is about today, this moment, and this time.  This war is about what we will mean anything at the end of the day.  The Bible is full of Scripture that addresses everything I have said.  The first tool we need to have on board in this war is daily reading of the Word of God.  Satan knows the Bible better than you or I.  He quoted Scripture to Jesus!  What chance do we have?  All the chance we need to surrender the war to Jesus and let him fight it.  The second tool we have available to us, though many choose to not use it, is prayer.  We have the ability to stand before the throne of God and ask for his protection, help and victory.  It's available to all who believe.  Yet, a small fraction of believers  pray at all.  The greatest weapon we have at our disposal is our faith.  Faith not of our making but faith given to us through Jesus.  Faith not in ourselves but in Him who is able to keep us until that day that Jesus comes back.
     We know the end of the story.  There is a new world of peace and we are with those who are saved in the city of our Great King.  Satan is thrown into the pit and the gate is locked.  We are living in peace those who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  No more pain, no more sorrow and no more strife.  Now, isn't that a better picture than you woke up to this morning?  The war has been won.  We won.  God won.  Anyone who chooses to believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior wins.  The war is over.

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