Thursday, July 30, 2015

Apparently my computer needed some quiet time!

     At 5:30 I had been up for 2 1/2 hours and on the computer for an hour.  I opened my blog to write for today and nothing.  Nothing.  My computer went quiet...not off...just quiet.  No movement in the blog file whatsoever.  Everything else worked fine but my blog needed some quiet time.  So, I took some quiet time myself.  Now I am back and so is the blog.  Good blog!  Don't do it again. 
     There are a lot of positive things to be said about having some quiet time.  Unfortunately my mind is going so fast all the time that only the outside of me is quiet.  When I had young children the problem was about the same.  I'm glad that there are times of quiet and work well when I'm quiet inside with noisy outside.  Let me think while I'm pounding nails, cooking, driving, and other activities.  When I'm in that space the outside noise is decreased and sometimes doesn't even seem to be there at all.  Ever feel that way when you were deep in thought?  There are a couple of issues in my life that make quiet time very difficult.  First, I have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder).  Second, I have RLS (restless leg syndrome).  Between the two of them it's lucky that I'm able to even stay focused when praying! 
     God wants us to quiet our hearts and minds so that we can hear his voice talking with us.  He is totally aware of what is going on in our lives and what is going to happen.  Hearing his voice takes a quiet heart on our part to all that is going on within us.  He is patient in waiting for us to be in that spot when we can hear his voice.  Remember that God is first and foremost there for us and will never leave nor forsake us.  Even if we can't seem to be quiet.  A lot of people are afraid of silence.  Silence may remind them of the quiet before the storm.  Silence might be a reminder of what happens if you don't obey, don't be what others want you to be.  Maybe silence brings up sitting for what seemed to be long hours in church while a person up front droned on and on about this or that.  None of that applied to you anyway.  But...maybe, just maybe, that was the time God wanted you to be quiet so that he could talk with you about his love and care for you. 
     I have hearing aids.  They do a good job when I wear them.  They make life so much more interesting when I can har other people.

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