Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Being raptured is my idea of getting to heaven.

     I'm not a great fan of physical or mental pain.  I've learned in my childhood to not show pain but that doesn't mean the pain wasn't there.  As an adult I've had way more than my share of experiences where either I was in pain or someone close to me was in pain.  This includes up to and at the point of death.  Once the physical death has taken place the mental pain switches gears.  Not for the dead; but for the living.  We feel the pain of loss and regrets coupled with woulda, coulda, shoulda moments.  Sometimes people let this pain remain in their lives for the rest of their lives.  Most people go through a grief cycle and then on with their lives.  My plan of being raptured takes care of all of this pain stuff.  Once moment you are here and the next moment you are there.  Boom!  Plus (added bonus) all your Christian loved ones, friends and enemies are raptured as well.  So, you can have it and take it with you!  We will be in the presence of the Lord and all pain and suffering will be gone.  Our focus will be on Jesus.  We won't be consumed with those left behind.  Their pain and suffering will only increase with this moment in time. 
     The belief in the rapture has different takes from different people.  Some really good theologians and others should go back to reading the Bible.  Regardless, there is a rapture.  Some talk about this moment and believe that "in the twinkling of an eye (1/10th of a nano second)" we will be changed and taken home.  Some believe that the rapture has already happened.  I don't like that one.  Some believe that we will need to go through some tribulation before we are taken from this mess on earth.  Others believe that we won't be taken home supernaturally until after the reign of the beast and the tribulation.  The common thread is that we who believe will be taken home supernaturally.  Not if,  not maybe,  not sort of,  but we will be taken home.  I'm one of those guys who have studied the Bible, have my theology masters degree and have studied the end times for the last 44 years.  My take is that we will be taken from this earth before the tribulation.  We would escape the hardships that will befall those who are left behind.  Just to be clear, those who know and are known by Christ will be taken.  You may think you are a Christian and think you will be raptured and will instead be left behind.  For those who decide to accept Jesus as their Lord after the rapture; Scripture tells us that they will have to become martyrs (killed for loving Jesus) before they enter into heaven.  Which boat you fit into is up to you.  I'll be in the first boat. 
     I've talked about death to numerous individuals and groups.  Most are hoping to hear what they think rather than what is the truth from the Bible.  We have the chance to understand what is to look forward to but hold onto back beliefs because we don't want to face the truth.  We want to think our "good" spouses, friends, relatives will get into heaven because of the connection they have with a Christian and being good.  Wrong.  There are those who believe that being baptized as a baby reserves their seat on the train to heaven.  Wrong.  We even have people who call themselves Christian who believe that all people regardless of confession of faith will be given entrance into heaven.  Wrong.  There are pastors in pulpits who preach these things and believe them to be true.  Wrong. 
     Jesus said that the kingdom of God has come into our hearts if we have given our lives (all of our life) to Jesus.  Do you feel that way?  Do you feel the freedom of being raptured today?  We were once considered enemies of God but then were redeemed and now are friends of God.  We once subscribed to the ways of the world and sought to please anyone and anything rather than please God.  Now, as believers, we seek to be pleasing to God in the entirety of our lives.  Disclaimer:  I have not arrived!  I have NOT attained perfect faith and delivery of that faith to anyone.  Now that that is out of the way...  Perfection is NOT a prerequisite in order for us to be raptured.  Why?  Because we are imperfect people.  None of us is able to go through a single day without sinning.  No one.  Here's the great news!  When we belong to Jesus, God the Father sees us as his perfect creation.  Wow!  Did you know that?  If the answer you came up with is no and you are a believer; you really need to spend more time reading the Bible. 
     Today, Jesus said, the kingdom of God has come to you.  Today is the day of salvation.  Today, the coming of the Lamb of God has become a reality to you.  Today.  Are you ready should the rapture come today?  Are you watching and waiting?  Will you disappear with the rest of the believers or will you be left behind?  Luke 17 tells about two people being together and one being taken and the other left behind.  Two specific places are mentioned.  One is in the bed and the other is in the work place.  There is no time like the present to make sure the one with you knows about Jesus than right now.  We should want to hear those words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." when we enter into Heaven.  Wow!  What a ride!

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