Tuesday, June 13, 2017

What do people say about your being Christian?

     The lines in our lives get blurred between being taken as a Christian, a "kinda" Christian and not being a Christian at all.  I've fit into all three over my 64 years.  Not proud of the last two but simply acknowledging the truth as it is.  Maybe you have been there as well.  We have done this to ourselves and there is no one but ourselves to indict.  I'd like to think that most people who know me think of me as a Christian.  Not because of what I think, say or do; but rather how Christ lives within me.  It's not difficult to pick up my flaws and many have done so over the years.  If Christians are examining you, then they aren't letting the Holy Spirit examine their lives.  Don't get me wrong, Christians are to be accountable to one another.  It's the motive that gets things skewed and totally out of hand.  Rumors don't exactly help the matter either.  Let's be clear, not all that we think, say or do is Christian at all.  I think that's a truth many live with.  Our secrets maybe aren't so secret and certainly God knows them.  People fear what others think about them.  It's wrong but that goes on anyway to the disdain of God. 
     I've been to 3 church services in as many weeks.  While the Scripture was used as a basis of what the sermon was to be about, all three pastors almost immediately went to talking about my two non-favorite topics: tithing and church membership.  Is that how they determine what kind of Christian I am?  Does it tell you what they think about your Christianity?  What does Jesus think about your Christian life should be the central questions for the Christian church.  With our wonderful buildings, large budgets dominating the landscape there is little hope that anyone can see the Christian life as one they would want.  An old saying states: "People don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care."  Mike Warnke once said, "Don't tell me that you are telling me something in Christian love.  I'll know what you are saying is love or not."  We see Paul confronting those he ministered to, Peter and the other disciples all loving people without having to tell them that they love them.  What has changed that we are now so PC that we don't even dare express our Christian love anywhere but safe places? 
     The religious leaders in the Bible were those who had knowledge but didn't care.  Can the same be said of us?  Do we care about what people think of us (worldly view) or do we care about what God thinks of us.  If we care about what people think we are already losing the game.  If we care about what God thinks, we change the world we live in because they can see with their eyes, hear with their ears and embrace the love of God all because we chose to let God's love run through our lives wherever and whenever God wants that to happen.  By the way, that's all the time.  Caring about what people think  over what God thinks is a message we should be providing.  Understand that what God thinks of us trumps what the world thinks of us.  In the end, all will stand before God to give account of every moment, every deed, every word that the Christian and non-Christian shown the world.  What will the Father say about you and I in regards to our time sojourneying here on earth?  I'd rather think about what he Father sees and thinks than to please anyone here on earth.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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