Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Christian and gambling

     I was reminded this morning that the largest gambling organization in the world is the insurance industry.  They are betting you will be sick, disable, and die.  Not necessarily in that order.  You, on the other hand, ae betting that you won't be sick, disabled or die (that's the silly one).  When you win, the insurance groups are mad often making it difficult for you to receive that which you "won".  When they win (like they do a lot) you lose.  I don't like that kind of betting.  We Christians insure our pets, homes, possessions, collections, vehicles and just about anything else that we call valuable.  Sometimes we find people insuring that which isn't theirs.  Ex spouses can have insurance policies on their ex.  Weird huh!  The gambling with insurance isn't the only area where gambling takes place.  People gamble all the time.  They run that yellow light.  They steal a look where their eyes shouldn't go.  They gamble with the foods they eat, drink they drink and with the air they breathe.  All for personal gain.  It's when they are caught that they have to pay the piper.  Our politicians are a very good public demonstration of that.  However, there have been many church leaders who have had to leave the ministry and church members who felt so shamed they have left the congregation.  Yes, betting is alive and well in the world. 
     Using our wisdom and trying to seem wise we rationalize and justify our thoughts, deeds and actions all for our benefit.  James tells us that we ask and do not receive because we ask with wrong motives.  There are some who seek the Lord and his desires resulting in praying for His will to be accomplished.  Sometimes Christians even listen to the Lord instead of the world.  But, why do Christians gamble with God?  Why do we?  I've been guilty of that many times.  Perhaps you have as well.  Scripture twisting is one of the ways we convince ourselves that our selfishness is from God and not the world.  Televangelists repeatedly talk about the need of their congregation to do this or that all the while living the life of the elite.  Promises come from their lips and the people grab them because they have little or no hope.  God doesn't work that way and neither should we.  God does answer prayer.  God does supply all of our needs through Christ Jesus.  In fact, God knows our needs before we do!  AND, he is taking care of them.  The Word tells us that he will never put upon us anymore than we can bear up under.  So then, we end up making the choice of believing the way the world and the devil wants us to believe or we believe the way God wants us to believe.  Gambling isn't one of those ways.
     When we live a godly life we no longer live but God lives through us.  The world's agenda and gamble shouldn't play a part of that life.  No, I'm not telling anyone to not have insurance.  Nor am I saying we should depend on that insurance more than depending on God. There are laws passed by mankind we must adhere to or face the consequences.  Like automotive insurance.  So, go ahead and obey the law.  That's what God has instructed you and I to do.  BUT, first trust God.  Wonder where you stand with God?  Just that thought is a sign that you have some priorities that are not God centered.  The trust we have for God insures that he will take care of all of our needs.  Since he is taking care of all of our needs we are left with all of our wants and that's where the problem lies.  The cares of the word choke out the Word of God and we teach others the same way of living.  Reality is our God in heaven is really God in our hearts.  The Christian shouldn't be about gambling.  The Christian should be about trust which is generated by faith.  What is your faith like?  Do you have the confidence that God will never leave nor forsake you?  Do you have the peace of God that passes understanding?  Are you so blessed that you are acutely aware of the goodness of God? If you answered no to any of these.  You need to evaluate where you stand with God and make things right.  Keep in mind that this is always your choice.

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