Sunday, June 25, 2017

Quoting the Christian statistics.

     What is the only book in the Bible that doesn't mention God?  Ruth. What is the longest book in the Bible?  Psalms.  What is the shortest book in the Bible?  Jude.  Okay, those were easy if you know your Bible.  How about location of the Sermon on the Mount?  Matthew.  David's location when he wrote the 51st Psalm?  In a no exit canyon pursued by Saul.  You see, there are many important writings in the Bible which you may or may not think important.  Do you know where the first mention of Jesus is located?  Genesis 1:1.  Why is that so important?  Because Jesus is part of the Trinity and has existed for all of eternity in both directions.  He didn't just appear for 33 years and then go away.  Where in the Bible does it state that all of the requirements of the law have been fulfilled by Jesus' life, death and resurrection?  Matthew.  Now that wasn't so hard was it?  I don't have the Bible memorized.  What is important is that I do know what the Bible says, where it says it (most of the time), and what significance it carries for Christians.  I don't know who pitched for the Dodgers in 1995 or any year for that matter.  Nor do I know who was the hottest musician was in that or any year.  Not that I don't listen to music; but rather that I choose to remember the Word of God instead.  After all, I have only so much room in my head!
     The Bible says "Your Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you, oh God."  Do you read the Bible?  If not, you are missing one zinger of a history, story, and instruction guide for your life.  Can you tell me what you have been reading that was all about God?  Don't get confused here.  I read magazines and books where I can see the hand of God utilizing people's innate intelligence as well as the wonder of all of nature.  Bees make the strongest structure in the world when they make their honey hives.  Hummingbirds can hoover for extended periods of time because of their large heart.  Tree root systems vary between species of plants because of their own special needs.  God created that.  The vision of many animals is only in black and white.  See, there are many things you do know that God has brought before you.  Without the wisdom of God there is no vision.  "Without a vision, the people perish."  Look it up, it's in the Bible.  The "answers to your prayers are on their way from heaven before the words pass through your lips."  It's also in the Bible, look it up.  We live in an age where we've become accustomed to relying on others for the wisdom and knowledge that is best found in the Word.  That's a statistic we shouldn't like.
     Just what is it that we teach the world about Christianity?  The hypocrisy we live is mainly because we just accept blindly what others say.  There are many cults, denominations, and individual churches that teach messages contrary to what the Word says.   They come as "wolves in sheep's clothing" seeking to deceive "even the very elect."  Yep, the Bible says that as well.  Do you teach your children that pagan holidays are to be celebrated even if they glorify the devil and his works?  Does your church?  If we take to heart the admonition of Jesus that we flee from sin, why do we partake in it?  Doing nothing to correct the wrong is wrong.  A "man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."  That's not in the Bible but should be noted as a paraphrase of what is.  Do we excuse other's choices as being different but okay?  Hmmm...that's not okay.  If we do, we become accessories to sin.  Just why is it we don't want to know the statistics of how many times we have not witnessed to someone and because of that the person doesn't know about Jesus?  Do you even care as you have your beer or drink while watching your sports game?  What statistic we use determines what we choose.  That's not good unless we are choosing God's statistics first and foremost.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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