Sunday, June 18, 2017

Looking for sanity in a crazy world.

     The headlines of the news either written online or in hard copy causes me pause and I'm left wondering just what is going on with Christians in the non-Christian world we live in.  Perhaps you too have wondered when sanity will once again reign in the believers lives.  Never is the absolute answer here on earth.  Upon entry to heaven is the sane absolute answer for the believer.  Those two worlds can never mesh.  It's a mess out there and we're left trying to navigate that insanity.  The good and bad news is that it's mandatory that the world get worse.  The Bible says through prophecy that the world must get worse than the days of Noah before the Lord will take us home.  Slowly and sometimes quickly the prophecies are being fulfilled.  The time is drawing nearer and nearer and reading the news is confirmation of that.  Our Christian outlook shouldn't be compromised by those who still dream of a perfect world.  On earth that will not happen.  In heaven, it's a promised event.  In the meantime what are you and I doing to help others find peace in their lives?
     Thinking themselves to be wise they proved themselves to be fools.  Christians seem to think, generally, that if they "do" this or that the world will get better.  Not so. At least according to the Bible.  The world is unfolding as God wants for His glory and all that we do should be for the glory of God.  Simply put, we are to be about God's business of bringing the dead to life.  After that their history will be with God.  In him there is no shadow of turning.  God states what he will do and he does it.  Christians, not so much.  That includes me at time.  While it's important we participate in getting the message out there, we usually have a stopping point when the cost gets to much.  Our complacency as Christians in the world is horrible in the eyes of God.  Has he delayed the coming of Jesus so that you and I can become bold in our faith?  What is it that we do and don't do to further the kingdom of God.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about doing being validation of being saved.  "Faith," as Petra sings, "is in folded hands."  By folded hands I mean praying for the will of God to be revealed so that you can go forth and care for the widow and homeless as well as preach salvation to the lost.  We aren't going to make this world better.  We are bringing a better option when we concentrate on the above three things.  It's what we are commanded by Jesus to do.
     Despite my lack of confidence in organized religion; when I talk with someone about Christ I try to refer them to a church local to them that preaches the Gospel.  I've attended many different churches over my adult lifetime.  Some were good and some weren't so good.  Whenever there are the components of the fall present you and I should run to the Cross.  Those three are:  manipulation, control and secrecy.  That goes for the rest of our lives as well.  No, I'm not just paranoid.  Masses have followed alleged Christian leaders only to find out that the gospel that was being preached wasn't the Gospel at all.  Every Christian should be daily reading the Bible which the Holy Spirit can set in your heart so that you can spot that which isn't true.  Taking the offense rather than defense requires us to do so.  If we don't know what the Bible says but instead take someone else's point of view, we fail.  Adam and Eve did just that and as a result God in the person of Jesus came to earth to correct the fall in your life and mine.  He was killed taking our sins upon himself in the cross.  He rose to cement our own resurrection.  This is sanity.  All else is folly.  Remember it's always your choice.

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