Thursday, June 22, 2017

Christians and waiting on anything!

"Good things come to those who wait." 
"Delayed gratification makes the honey sweeter." 
"Everything in good time." 
"Patience builds character."

     There are many more I could write but don't need to frustrate myself.  I'm impatient.  Maybe some of you are as well.  We live in the day of instant gratification.  Buying at a fast food?  Just click your phone and go.  Don't want to wash the car?  Have someone come by and detail it.  Don't have time to do this or that?  There's an app for that.  Want a quick snack?  Microwave the bag.  You get the picture.  We are trained to be impatient people.  Whether we are waiting for the rain to fall on our parched crops or waiting for "the" game to start; we don't like to wait.  We have a difficult time waiting on God as well.  Yes, the Word tells us that he is faithful and will take care of all of our needs.  He doesn't say he would do that on our timeline.  Yes, the Word tells us that Jesus will return and take us home.  He doesn't say when.  There is everything in between that we are impatient with as well. 
     The Bible says the answers to our prayers are on their way from heaven even before the words leave our lips.  Do you believe that?  What's the big delay?!  God's timing is perfect.  Our timing is usually selfish.  Being patient on our terms doesn't mean that God is honoring our idea of timing.  He has a purpose whether or not we like to admit that fact.  God has 3 basic answers:  Yes, No, and Wait.  We don't like the last two.  However, with everything connected, God has a purpose for our patience.  Perhaps it's to give you the right hole in traffic to get where you are going?  Maybe it's that specialist medical provider being there at just the right time?  Regardless, the less we make our world run on our time the less peace we have.  There seems to be no particular one element that can change any of this.  So, why do we try?
     That's the problem!  "Trying" connotes an attempt at success but not really.  We say that we try our best but what would happen if we actually did God's best without the "try" being in the equation?  That would require faith (without which it's impossible to please God) and once exercised would build more faith.  What would happen if we really believed that God was in charge, that God knew what he was doing, and that God had a perfect plan just waiting for our surrender?  No doubt.  No fear. No longing for anything but going home to be with Jesus.  No more impatience.  Accepting that which the blessing of another day brings us without the harried experience we are now having.  When it comes down to it, it's always your choice.

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