Sunday, April 30, 2017

Why there are mental illness and disorders?

     This subject has been reflected on from the extremes of both ends of the spectrum.  Mostly wrongly though.  As a Christian with a mental disorder I'm sensitive to the many other Christians who have illnesses and disorders.  There is ample Scripture that addresses these and render remedies for them.  I cannot remember a time in my life when I wasn't depressed even though it didn't show to others.  Nor can I remember ever being without PTSD since the age of 5 or 6.  I've had injuries over the years that account for many other episodes where my PTSD was impacted and as a result my depression as well.  My life has been good but is an incredible story of the survival of a small boy to old man.  Thank you God!  It's not thanks to those around me.  Though I've had some wonderful therapists and have had great results, the imprint on my soul is great and I'm not free from those issues.  People have prayed for me, laid hands on me, and encouraged me to "just get over it."  Those were the Christian responses.  Growing up in the 50's and 60's was interesting to say the least.  Some Christian groups believed that mental illness and disorders were demonic possession or at least demonic oppression.  But then why does the Bible talk about persevering in light of our affliction.  Many characters in the Bible talk about the woes in their lives and burdens that just don't go away.  Jesus expressed the gambit of emotional responses as well.  The proof is in the pudding they say.  Jesus wrestled and was tempted just as you and I are.  At least that's what the Bible says. 
     People have many responses to their particular circumstances.  Some play the blame game.  Some hide their symptoms.  Some use their illness or disorder to capitalize on the system.  Some acknowledge their situation and go on with life doing the best they can.  Some people pray for and are delivered from their illness and disorders.  Some overcome and go on with life despite what is going on in their lives.  Others simply have had enough and commit suicide.  What you do with your illness and/or disorder will be different from others.  Choosing to lay it before the Lord is the first priority of the Christian.  The biggest obstacle to the Christian with their illness or disorder are the Christian brothers and sisters who have the best of intentions about something they simply know nothing about.  Instead of support and listening, there is condemnation and gossip.,  I'd like to note that it's the church's responsibility to be Jesus to all of us who have illnesses and disorders.  How that is expressed is sometimes surprising.  Perhaps one reason the illnesses and diseases are here is to actually see if we will act like Jesus towards others.  Will we be Jesus to the demon possessed?  Will we be Jesus to the oppressed?  Will we be Jesus to the woman at the well or the woman caught in adultery?  Will we be Jesus to the world?  If we are not understanding and are condemning then we don't have the love of Jesus living in us.
     I would agree that our own choices and the choices of others have brought about illnesses and disorders from generation to generation.  Some illnesses are now in our DNA such as schizophrenia.  Passed on through the generations with no cure in sight.  Some disorders are perpetuated from generation to generation because we haven't the where withal to change our learned behaviors.  Some disorders are there at birth and have been inside the persons life since before they were born.  Why is that?  I've asked many of these questions.  I've studied them and found there to be one common denominator.  Whether or not they are self inflicted or allowed by God, all these illnesses and disorders for the Christian are meant to bring glory to God.  That seems like a pat answer and people tend to do the blame game rather than understand that despite their situation, they are to bring glory to God in ALL their lives.  That includes me.  I don't always do a good job and neither do you,  What we do have is choice.  We can choose to let the illness and disorder to impact us from the world's perspective or from God's perspective.  It's, after all, always your choice.

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